
The 10 Elements of Agroecology: enabling transitions towards sustainable agriculture and food systems through visual narratives


Agriculture and food systems around the world are failing to deliver the desired outcomes for food security and nutrition, creating an urgent need for transformative change to meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Addressing this challenge requires stakeholders to adopt holistic approaches that integrate population, diet, and food production, moving beyond a narrow focus on technological advancements and productivity. Agroecology, which incorporates social, political, and economic dimensions, provides a promising pathway to build sustainable and equitable food systems.

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Plantation Forestry in Sub Saharan Africa: Silvicultural, Ecological and Economic Aspects


Plantation forestry in Africa is practiced using exotic species to supply timber and non- timber forest products, which are for industrial and non- industrial purposes. Ownership of the plantations extends from governments and large industrial corporations to individual farmers. Private plantations are performing well, with a better supply compared to the public ones. Plantation programs in Africa have undergone various challenges leading to a decline in production in the past two decades.

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Gender Inequality in Malidino Biodiversity Community-based Reserve, Senegal: Political Parties and the 'Village Approach'


This research examines some of the less visible, and ongoing social dynamics in a World Bank-funded conservation site in central Senegal. The goal of the World Bank project was to create a decentralized and community-based participatory forest management program that would re-structure the political economy of the charcoal industry, give more rights and autonomy to the local community, emphasize improved gender equity, and provide technical assistance to NGOs and community-based organizations.

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Les attaques des Termites (Isoptera) dans les parcelles de reboisement de la Grande Muraille Verte au Sénégal (The attacks of termites in the reforestation plots of the Great Green Wall in Senegal)

This article focuses on the interactions between termites (Isoptera) and woody species in the Great Green Wall in Senegal. The authors identified 15 woody species attacked by 14 species of termites and found that Boscia senegalensis and Balanites aegyptiaca were motst likely to be attacked by termites.


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Scaling Up Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Africa to Restore Degraded Landscapes


Protecting and managing natural regeneration of woody species on‐farm  can help create new agroforestry parklands as well as promote natural regeneration off‐farm. Increasing the number of trees on farms as well as off‐farm is important in the context of accelerated climate change and ambitious pledges to restore degraded forestland. This study examines large-scale agroforestry parklands in three African countries.

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Mangrove reforestation: greening or grabbing coastal zones and deltas? Case studies in Senegal.


Mangroves have lost 20% of their global extent over the last 20 years. Mangrove reforestation incentives are increasingly widespread as a response to restore this vital ecosystem. However, the social and ecological impacts of common mangrove plantation methods are not adequately understood.

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Les parcs agroforestiers en Basse Casamance: Contribution du Parkia biglobosa (néré) à la réduction des risques de pauvreté des ménages de la communauté rurale de Mangagoulack, au Sénégal (Agroforestry parks in Basse Casamance)

The author describes how agroforestry parks have played a role in alleviating poverty in a rural community in Senegal. In particular, the author discusses the native African locust bean, or néré, as a successful agroforestry species.


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Investir dans la forêt de demain : vers un Programme d'action pour la revitalisation de la foresterie en afrique de l'Ouest (Investing in the forests of tomorrow)

The authors provide an analysis of Sahelian forests and place the state of forests in West Africa into a historical context. They provide case studies of agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration (ANR) in forested areas of Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea. Finally, the authors provide recommendations for smart investments in West African forests.


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Régénération naturelle assistée: Gestion des arbres champêtres au Sahel (Assisted natural regeneration: management of wild trees in the Sahel)

The authors outline threats to forest regeneration in the Sahel, particularly with regard to agroforestry systems. Better agroforestry practices that incorporate assisted natural regeneration would allow for more sustainable availability of firewood and productivity of agroforestry systems. The authors strongly advocate for major changes in behavior and politics, including decentralization of authority over forest resources.


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Mise à échelle du reverdissement: six étapes vers le succès--une approche pratique pour la restauration des forêts et des paysages (Scaling up Regreening: Six Steps to Success--A Practical Approach to Forest and Landscape Restoration)

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