
Effect of Prior Land Use on the Recolonization of Native Woody Species under Plantation Forests in the Highlands of Ethiopia


This study analyzes the recolonization of native woody species in 16-18 year old plantation forests (Eucalyptus saligna and Cupressus lusitanica) in the highlands of Ethiopia.

Goals & Methods

Effects of recolonization were evaluated through assessing naturally regenerating flora (NRF) and soil seed banks (SSB) in plantation forests established on abandoned farmland and cleared natural forest sites. About 66 plant species were recorded in the NRF and 55 plant species germinated from the soil samples collected for SSB analysis.

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Forest Landscape Restoration: Initiatives in Ethiopia



Ethiopia has experienced significant forest loss and degradation, which has raised concern over the deterioration of ecosystem services and access to forest resources. In response to these trends, WWF and IUCN have pioneered the Forest for Life strategy, which employs a range of initiatives to combat forest degradation. This report focuses on one of those initiative, Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Ethiopia. 

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Diversity of Naturally-Regenerated Native Woody Species in Forest Plantations in the Ethiopian Highlands


This paper examines woody species diversity and understory vegetation of naturally regenerated native tree and shrub species in 4-plantation forests and adjacent natural forests in Wono Genet in Ethiopia.

Research Goals & Methods

Understory woody species richness, abundance and herbaceous ground cover were recorded in plantations of Pinus patula, Cupressus lusitanica, Grevillea robusta and Juniperus procera.

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Restoration of Dry Afromontane forest using pioneer shrubs as nurse-plants for Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata


Shrubs are often considered competitive barriers for seedlings planted in reforestation programs, although they can facilitate tree recruitment, especially in ecosystems under high abiotic stress. An alternative reforestation technique using pioneer shrubs as nurse-plants for Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata was tested in exclosures in northern Ethiopia.

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Effects of Canopy Cover and Understory Environment of Tree Plantations on Richness, Density and Size of Colonizing Woody Species in Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates the effects of canopy characteristics and associated understory environmental factors of tree plantations on native woody species colonization in two broadleaved and two coniferous plantations in southern Ethiopia. The plantation forests investigated are surrounded by dry Afromontane natural forest.

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Succession and Regeneration Patterns of East African Mountain Forests: A Review


For decades East Africa has experienced heavy tree felling, which has resulted in a change in species composition. This study conducted the phytosociological in Kenya and Ethiopia between 1992 and 1996 in order to understand the succession and regeneration processes in East African Mountain forests. 

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A Comparative Assessment on Regeneration Status of Indigenous Woody Plants in Eucalyptus grandis Plantation and Adjacent Natural Forest


This study investigates and compares diversity, density and species composition of naturally regenerated woody plants under Eucalyptus grandis plantations and the adjacent natural forest in southwestern Ethiopia.

research goals & methods

Vegetation data was collected from 40 sample plots, 20 in natural forest and 20 in plantations. Within the plots plant species were identified, DBH of all trees measured using a caliper; total heights of larger trees were measured using hypsometer.

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Analysis of the "Shelter Tree-Effect” of Natural and Exotic Forest Canopies on the Growth of Young Podocarpus falcatus Trees in Southern Ethiopia


The potential for plantations of fast-growing non-native trees to create suitable habitat for regeneration of native plant ecosystems has gained attention in the scientific literature. Previous studies often focus on the plantation species’ impacts on soil, but this study in the Munessa-Shashemene forest of Ethiopia proposes that light factors may be important as well. In this forest, native Podocarpus falcatus saplings actually perform better under the canopy of planted non-native Pinus patula and Eucalyptus saligna trees than in native forest, and this study hypothesizes that varying patterns of irradiance and sunflecks may explain this phenomenon. 

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Native Woody Species Regeneration in Exotic Tree Plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates native woody species regeneration in 4 exotic species monoculture plantations in Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area in southern Ethiopia. The plantation ages ranged from 9 to 28 years.

Research Goals & Methods

To sample for vegetation diversity and analyses of floristic composition, species richness, and abundance, 60 sample plots were established in the study area.  48 of these plots were in plantations and 12 were in adjacent natural forests.

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Tree regeneration in church forests of Ethiopia: effects of microsites and management


Tree regeneration is severely hampered in the fragmented afromontane forests of northern Ethiopia. Pressures of harvesting and grazing and climactic conditions present challenges to regeneration. This study explores how trees regenerate in remnant forests along the gradient from open field, forest edge to closed sites and canopy gaps inside the forest.

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