Reforestation of Bauxite Mine Spoils with Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. Seedlings Inoculated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal FungibackgroundIn the Yercaud hills of the Salem Distict, Tamil Nadu, India, the authors investigated the feasibility of using trees inoculated with beneficial mycorrhizae as an alternative to the traditional and more expensive method of spreading topsoil before planting Open access copy available |
Simulating Forest Cover Changes of Bannerghatta National Park Based on a CA-Markov Model: A Remote Sensing ApproachBackgroundEstablishment of protected areas has been a primary response to deforestation and land-use change in tropical forests. However, few empirical evaluations have conducted a comparison of pre- and post-intervention landscapes. Open access copy available |
Monitoring Mangrove Forest Dynamics of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh and India using Multi-Temporal Satellite Data from 1973 to 2000BackgroundIn the Sundurbans of India and Bangladesh, the authors measured the extent and condition of the mangrove forest at three intervals using GeoCover datasets (Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+) with the goal of assessing the current extent of the remaining forest, measuring change in the extent of the forest in different time periods, and identifying areas of intensive deforestation or degradation and changes in patterns of canopy density. Available with subscription or purchase |
Integrating National Forestry Initiatives in India with International Climate Change PolicybackgroundThis study reviews forest policies in India (eg. 1988 Forest Policy, 1990 Joint Forest Management, and 2006 Recognition of Forest Rights) and their impacts to assess how they can complement and inform international climate change mitigation instruments. It also seeks to determine how communities can sustain their system of forest management and retain/obtain rights to land and resources under these instruments. Available with subscription or purchase |
Changes in litter decomposition and soil organic carbon in a reforested tropical deciduous cover (India)BackgroundSoil organic carbon is built over time by vegetative decomposition. This study explores potential changes in soil organic carbon in India due to changing patterns of vegetation, such as deforestation, agricultural use, and reforestation with novel species compositions and disturbance cycles. Open access copy available |
Afforestation for Reclaiming Degraded Village Common Land: A Case StudybackgroundIn India, population growth and agriculture put a strain on natural resources, often resulting in "wastelands" where the soil is no longer productive - often either affected by either salt or alkilinity. Using soil amendments to restore these lands to productivity can be cost-prohibitive for the small villages that own these lands. Afforestation is one possible method for restoring the health of these in a cost-effective and scalable way. Available with subscription or purchase |
Drivers of Regrowth in South Asia's Human-Impacted ForestsbackgroundThis study is an assessment of institutional factors and human drivers that impact forest management and cover change in developing countries, focusing on Nepal and India. research goals & methodsThe study uses United Nations Food & Agriculture Association (UN FAO) forest cover change datasets that begin in 1980 to examine the validity of forest transition theories in a tropical context. Open access copy available |
The Rain–Runoff Response of Tropical Humid Forest Ecosystems to Use and Reforestation in the Western Ghats of IndiaBackgroundThis study expands on a previous study in the Western Ghats of India (Uttar Kannada, Karnataka State), that suggested a greater occurrence of infiltration-excess and potentially higher streamflow in degraded and reforested areas. Analyzing rainfall–streamflow data, the authors attempt to determine the impacts of different land cover types on stream discharge hydrograph components (viz, total flow, quickflow and delayed flow), the dominant stormflow pathways, and the impact of reforestation efforts on these processes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Afforestation and Reforestation Projects in South and South-East Asia Under the Clean Development Mechanism: Trends and Development OpportunitiesbackgroundThe Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was created as part of the 2007 Kyoto Protocol to assist countries in achieving both development and sustainability. Afforestation and reforestation (AR) projects are a part of the CDM protocal, but can be challenging to implement and measure. research goals & methodsThis study reports on survey results regarding CDM-AR projects. Surveys were conducted in South and South-east Asia of both (i) experts and (ii) developers, investors, and consultants. Open access copy available |
The Role of Revegetation for Rehabilitation of Sodic soils in Semiarid Subtropical Forest, IndiabackgroundThis study relies on a case study evaluate the rehabilitation of barren land within a larger forest ecosystem. The article indicates that restoration opportunities exist even with severely degraded land where natural succession does not occur without management practices. Available with subscription or purchase |