Restoration of ecosystem services and biodiversity: conflicts and opportunitiesBackgroundAlthough the science and practice of ecological restoration have developed rapidly, the emerging policy focus on ecosystem services represents a significant shift in the objectives of restoration. This might result in both conflicts and opportunities. This review article explores in detail the implications of this policy shift by examining whether ecological restoration could be effective in reversing the decline of ecosystem services along with biodiversity. Open access copy available |
Patterns of Seed Longevity and Germination in the Tropical RainforestbackgroundThis article reviews the factors that affect seed longevity and germination in tropical trees by providing an introduction to literature on the subject. Available with subscription or purchase |
Development of Soilless Culture Methods for Production of Moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) Root and Leaf BiomassbackgroundMoringa is a valuable tropical agroforestry species with a fruit rich in nutrients. This study tested soilless (hydroponic) Moringa cultivation methods given that past research on tissue culture (vegetative reproduction) has shown difficulty in transfer to soil. Research Goals & MethodsIn this study, dehulled seeds had a high germination rate (65%), whereas hulled seeds had low germination. Available with subscription or purchase |
Approaches to Classifying and Restoring Degraded Tropical Forests for the Anticipated REDD+ Climate Change Mitigation MechanismbackgroundForest degradation from logging and fires has impacted millions of acres of tropical forest around the globe, reducing the ability of these forests to provide ecosystem services, sequester carbon, and provide habitat to endangered species. This report focuses on the UN’s REDD + initiative (reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) and calls for more attention to the potential for restoration initiatives of degraded forests to act as carbon sinks. Open access copy available |
Smallholder plantations in the tropics – local people between outgrower schemes and reforestation programmesBackgroundAs part of a book on plantation forestry, this chapter focuses on smallholders and plantation forestry. The authors combine studies from Asia, Africa, and South America with their own experience and data from Brazil. The authors outline the different systems of plantation forestry for smallholders including those initiated by commericial entities such as outgrower schemes. Governments and non-profits inititate programs for ecosystem services or income generation through agroforestry. They also emphasize that smallholders intitiate their own efforts of production forests, agroforestry systems, and homegardens. Open access copy available |
Environmental Drivers in Mangrove Establishment and Early Development: A reviewbackgroundThis study reviews literature on the environmental conditions that influence the establishment and early growth of mangroves. Research Goals & MethodsDifferent species grow in areas with different flooding regimes. The authors used the classification of "inundation by all high tides, inundation by medium high tides, inundation by normal high tides, inundation by spring tides, and occasional inundation by exceptional or equinoctial tides." Available with subscription or purchase |
Ecosystem services from forest restoration: thinking aheadBackgroundThis paper examines broad trends in our understanding of ecosystem services and how different restoration strategies can be based on distinct motives (biodiversity preservation, bioenergy production, or carbon sequestration) and may rely on diverse tools. Available with subscription or purchase |
Opportunities and Challenges for Ecological Restoration within REDD+backgroundThis article discusses the possibilities for the inclusion of restoration as part of REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation) as well as benefits for biodiversity and income for communities. Open access copy available |
Managing afforestation and reforestation for carbon sequestration: considerations for land managers and policy makersBackgroundThis chapter focuses on managing afforestation & reforestation projects with an eye towards carbon sequestration. While temperate regions contain the majority of the world’s naturally regenerated and planted forests, the most rapid rates of reforestation occur in the tropics. Available with subscription or purchase |
Conceitos e Definições Correlatos à Ciência e à Prática da Restauração Ecológica - Glossário e dicionário inglês-portuguêsThis resource provides a glossary and dictionary of concepts and vocabulary of reforestation and restoration, including extensive definitions of 170 terms in Portuguese, together with the closest equivalent term in English. It is a useful tool for comprehension of technical and ecological terms in Portuguese and English. Open access copy available |