Latin America and Caribbean

Oil palm expansion without enclosure: smallholders and environmental narratives


Oil palm expansion has been shown to cause deforestation and reduce land and resource availability for communities located near plantations. It has also been shown to have mixed impacts on local livelihoods. Some studies point to socially different impacts, with small and marginal farmers less likely to benefit from oil palm expansion while others find significant increases in incomes. This paper seeks to understand the factors that make smallholder farmers participate in oil palm expansion, and outline the varied narratives that are used by the proponents of oil palm expansion.

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Could 2021–2030 be the decade to couple new human values with ecological restoration? Valuable insights and actions are emerging from the Colombian Amazon


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Árboles Nativos para Predios Ganaderos



Como parte del Proyecto Ganadería Colombiana Sostenible, cerca de 1.5 millones de árboles nativos de alto valor ecológico fueron entregados a ganaderos de cinco regiones colombianas para integrar en sus fincas y sistemas pastoriles. Quince de esas especies de árbol nativo fueron seleccionadas para discutir en detalle en este libro, permitiendo así la divulgación del conocimiento sobre la importancia de los árboles nativos en la ganadería sostenible.

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Manejo integrado de insectos herbívoros en sistemas ganaderos sostenibles



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Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscapes


Forest loss and degradation negatively affect rural communities whose livelihoods are dependent on forests for ecological goods and services. To address the challenge, three solutions have been proposed, expanding networks of protected areas, improving agricultural productivity on abandoned lands and reforestation. Of the three, new approaches to restoration have shown to have the potential to address forest degradation and rural poverty.

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Restoring forests as a means to many ends


The earth is nearly reaching environmental thresholds which can result in devastating effects of climate change and biodiversity loss. Failure to take action can lead to disruptions of ecosystems, economies, and the society. Protecting and restoring native ecosystems is needed, however, changes in forest cover have not been well understood. Also, the knowledge of where and how to focus such restoration efforts is still limited.

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The use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America


Amidst the impacts of climate change in agricultural sector, there is an increasing number of smallholder farmers across the different landscapes of Central America engaged in sustainable, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices

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Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) in Latin America: Analysing the performance of 40 case studies


Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES), which encourages landowners improve land management through market incentives, has been implemented around the world since the 1990s. This high investment requires an analysis of PES schemes and their outcomes.

Goals & Methods

The goal of the paper is to inform policy and provide decisions makers with insights on PES in order to aid in future design and ensure the success of initiatives. To do this, the authors review 40 cases of PES throughout Latin America based on a consistent set of criteria.

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Can short-term payments for ecosystem services deliver long-term tree cover change?


While payment for ecosystem services (PES) has been lauded has been an effective strategy, particularly to increase tree cover in agricultural areas. Yet, there has been limited evaluation of long-term success, such as that after the payment period.

Goals & Methods

To determine the the long-term effectiveness of PES, the author compares tree cover before and after 13 years of a PES project that promoted silvopastoral systems in Colombia, which was quantified via satellite images.

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Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate change in Central America and Mexico: current knowledge and research gaps


This article recognizes that smallholder farmers are both critical to the global agricultural sector yet are one of the most vulnerable populations to climate change. Specifically, farmers in Central America and Mexico are experiences particularly high threats, thus the authors focus on this subgroup.

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