Latin America and Caribbean

A tree-based approach to biomass estimation from remote sensing data in a tropical agricultural landscape


Due to increasing agricultural landcover throughout the world, it is critical to develop methods that estimate above ground biomass and carbon in order to accurately monitor terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting carbo dynamics. This paper claims that while active remote sensing data may be a means to achieve these estimates, the plot-based methods may not be suitable for these agricultural areas. Thus, the authors seek an alternative. 

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Environment and landscape rather than planting design are the drivers of success in long‐term restoration of riparian Atlantic forest


While identifying factors that contribute to restoration is difficult, it is ultimately critical in order to ensure the long-term sustainability and resilience of the restored landscape.

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Módulo 5: El enfoque de paisaje en la planificación a mesoescala de la restauración



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Módulo 4: Practicando la restauración ecológica: el monitoreo y mantenimiento de áreas



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Módulo 3: Selección de especies potenciales para la restauración



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The biogeochemical heterogeneity of tropical forests


This paper states that there has been a breadth of knowledge in relation to the biodiversity of tropical forests but limited about on the abiotic diversity, particularly biogeochemical effects. These later factors are becoming increasingly important to understand due to human perturbations in these forests. 

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Módulo 2: Selección y establecimiento de estrategias y prácticas de restauración



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Módulo 1: Planificación para la implementación de prácticas de restauración a escala local



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La restauración de bosques andinos tropicales: Avances, desafíos y perspectivas del futuro



La degradación ambiental y la pérdida de biodiversidad ponen en riesgo los medios de vida de habitantes de países andinos  tropicales. Respondiendo a esta amenaza, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia han definido metas cuantitativas de restauración ecológica y consecuentemente formulado programas para alcanzar estas metas. No obstante, esto ha presentado retos de distintas magnitudes variando de país en país.

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La participación de los grupos étnicos en REDD+: Algunas consideraciones, retos y oportunidades para el caso de Colombia




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