Non-timber Forest Product Harvest does not Affect the Genetic Diversity of a Tropical Tree Despite Negative Effects on Population FitnessbackgroundThe authors investigated a relationship between exploitation of economically important mahogany in Benin and the species genetic diversity. The study is base on the theory that disturbances in forest habitats can lead to a decrease in diversity due to population fragmentation and increased inbreeding. Open access copy available |
Quelques réussites dans la réduction de la déforestation: Des pays tropicaux où les politiques de protection de la forêt et de reboisement ont fonctionnéThis report highlights successes of developing countries and their strategies for reducing deforestation and as a result, their emissions of greenhouse gases. The authors note that decreases in deforestation are primarily a result of REDD+ programs, including payments for ecosystem services, better law enforcement, governance reforms, moratoria on deforestation practices, and incorporating the environment in development efforts. Other successes come from policy changes and programs that have had intended and unintended positive impacts on forests.
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On the Need of Legal Frameworks for Assessing Restoration Projects Success: New Perspectives from Sao Paulo State (Brazil)BackgroundThis article describes a legal framework that Sao Paulo state of Brazil enacted to promote ecosystem restoration projects on private lands through it's “New Forest Code” in 2012. Available with subscription or purchase |
Development of the Soil Macrofauna Community under Silvopastoral and Agrosilvicultural Systems in AmazoniaBackgroundThis study seeks to analyze the effect that different agroforestry systems have on the recolonization of macrofauna in the soil of former pasture lands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Establishment of Tree Seedlings in the Understory of Restoration Plantations: Natural Regeneration and Enrichment PlantingsBackgroundThis study investigates how seedling establishment is affected in the understory of restoration sites of different ages (10,22 and 55 year-old) within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. It also assesses some of the environmental microsite conditions that influenced the stand dynamics process. Available with subscription or purchase |
Variation in the Population Structure Between a Natural and a Human-Modified Forest for a Pioneer Tropical Tree Species not Restricted to Large GapsBackgroundThe study was conducted in a permanent plot in a primary forest at Caetetus Ecological Station (CES), and in an early successional forest adjacent to the state reserve at Torrão de Ouro Farm, state of São Paulo, Southeast Brazil. This forest originally covered nearly the entire plateau in the state of São Paulo, and it is currently the most threatened forest in the State due to past fragmentation. Open access copy available |
Effects of Logging, Liana Tangles and Pasture on Seed Fate of Dry Forest Tree Species in Central BrazilBackgroundThis article examines seed germination, predation, removal, and death for six different species in undistured forest, logged forest and an active pature. Because gaps created from logging are often overrun by liana tangles, it also compares seeds planted under patches of lianas (low forest) and seeds under patches of mature forest (high forest). Available with subscription or purchase |
Methodology for Comparative Analysis of Sustainability in Agroforestry SystemsbackgroundThis paper analyses different forms of agroforestry systems, including political and institutional linkages in the Caí and Taquari river valleys of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul in an effort to determine their sustainability. Open access copy available |
Intensive Silvopastoral Systems: Improving Sustainability and Efficiency in Cattle Ranching LandscapesBackgroundThe article summarizes productivity benefits from implementation of intensive silvo-pastoral systems (ISPS) in Colombia, Mexico and Brazil, including benefits for the well-being of cattle, heightened biodiversity, and decreased area needed for production (allowing for greater quantities of forest area). The authors also summarize challenges inhibting greater adoption of intensive silvo-pastoral systems, and potential policy solutions for overcoming these challenges. Open access copy available |
Differential Seedling Establishment of Woody Plants along a Tree Density Gradient in Neotropical SavannasBackgroundOpen access copy available |