Impacto econômico da reserva legal sobre diferentes tipos de unidades de produção agropecuária (Economic impact of the legal reserve on different types of agricultural and cattle production units)Open access copy available |
Manejo e recuperação de mata ciliar em regiões florestais da Amazônia (Management and recovering of riparian forests in forest regions of the Amazon)Open access copy available |
Instrumentos legais podem contribuir para restauração de florestas tropicais biodiversas (Legal instruments can enhance high-diversity tropical forest restoration)Open access copy available |
Influências de Atta spp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) na recuperação da vegetação pós-fogo em floresta de transição amazônicaEnglishBackgroundThis article presents an investigation of the role of leaf-cutter ants in the recovery of vegetation after fire, in an Amazonian transitional forest, in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Open access copy available |
Restoration of Tropical Moist Forests on Bauxite‐Mined Lands in the Brazilian AmazonBackgroundOpencast mining in the Brazilian Amazon has resulted in the annual loss of 2000-3000 ha of tropical forest. While mining has affected relatively small forest areas compared to agriculture and logging, mine sites have a disproportionate impact on topography and watersheds. Reforestation of minelands thus has special challenges. This paper evaluates forest structure and composition in four experimental stands established on a bauxite-mined site using four different reforestation techniques, 9-13 years after planting. Open access copy available |
Fitossociologia de uma área de preservação permanente no Leste da Amazônia: indicação de espécies para recuperação de áreas alteradasOpen access copy available |
Forest Rehabilitation and its Implication for Forest Transition TheorybackgroundThis article reviews the history of forest rehabilitation in Vietnam, Philippines, China, Peru, Indonesia, and Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Deep Soil Moisture Storage and Transpiration in Forests and Pastures of Seasonally-Dry AmazoniabackgroundThis study, conducted in the seasonal rainforest of Northern Brazil (Para), compares re-growth of pasture, mature forest, and natural forest (capoeira). Goals & MethodsThe study assessed the impacts of land-use change on plant-available water (PAW) and evapotranspiration (ET). To do so, they measured volumetric water content (VWC) at 8 m below three nearby ecosystems over four years, including a mature evergreen forests, an adjacenet pasture, and a second-growth forest on abandoned pasture land. Available with subscription or purchase |
Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)Open access copy available |
Sobrevivência em viveiro de mudas de espécies nativas retiradas da regeneração natural de remanescente florestal (Survival in nursery of native species sapling obtained from natural regeneration of forest fragments)Open access copy available |