Manual para restauração florestal: florestas de transição (Manual of forest restoration: transition forests)Open access copy available |
Normas jurídicas para restauração ecológica: uma barreira a mais a dificultar o êxito das iniciativas? (Juridical norms to ecological restoration: one more barrier to encumber success of initiatives?)Open access copy available |
Roteiro para elaboração de projetos de recuperação florestal para o Fundo Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - Fehidro (Guide for elaboration of forest recovery for the State Water Resources Fund - Fehidro)This guide targets municipal governments, farmers, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders interested in water and forest resources restoration. The objective is to present a framework for understanding the most common cases in order to facilitate the decision-making and execution of forest restoration projects. Some of the addressed topics are: the basic structure of a restoration project, examples of forest restoration projects, forest restoration projects that include native species seedling production, a key for decision-making for the recovery of degraded areas, and a list of tree species with natural occurrence in São Paulo state. Open access copy available |
O recobrimento do Brasil (The Recovery of Brazil)Open access copy available |
Timber Investment Returns for Selected Plantations and Native Forests in South America and the Southern United StatesbackgroundThis study examines the value of timber investments in South America. Exotic Eucalyptus in the southern cone (Argentina + Chile) are the most profitable, with Internal Rate of Return of 13-23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), whereas investments in the southeast USA is less profitable. Available with subscription or purchase |
Can Intensive Management Accelerate the Restoration of Brazil’s Atlantic Forests?backgroundThis study takes place in the heavily degraded Atlantic Forest region of eastern Brazil, where only 7% of the original forest cover remains. The study tests the question of whether intensive management methods similar to those used to establish fast-growing Eucalyptus plantations could also be applied to restoration of rainforest on former pasture-land dominated by grasses. Available with subscription or purchase |
Mycorrhizal Interactions for Reforestation: Constraints to Dryland Agroforest in BrazilbackgroundThe authors conducted a review of literature on mycohorrizae in tropical dry forest systems. Their objective was to understand the role that reforestation and mycohorrizae play in providing ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration and flood control. Research Goals & MethodsFew studies describe the role of mycohorrizae in tropical dry forest; this study seeks to fill that gap. Open access copy available |
Young Restored Forests Increase Seedling Recruitment in Abandoned Pastures in the Southern Atlantic RainforestbackgroundThis study examines whether the practice of planting seedlings in abandoned pastures improves restoration outcomes in the Atlantic forest of Brazil. Research Goals & MethodsThe authors compare seedling populations in old growth forest, young restored forest, and abandoned pastures. Open access copy available |
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) Projects: Lessons for Future Policy Design and ImplementationBackgroundThis study reviews six representative Reducing Emissions through Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiatives, two each from Africa, Asia and Latin America, by presenting their strengths, weakensses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT). Open access copy available |
Comparação de diferentes densidades de feijão guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) na restauração florestal de uma área de reserva legal no Pontal do Paranapanema, SPOpen access copy available |