
Leaders in Action: Achieving Forest Landscape Restoration Through Online Learning


Between May 2016 and March 2017, the Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative and IUCN conducted six online courses titled “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics.” These courses were in response to the emerging trend of countries committed to restoring millions of hectares of land via the forest landscape restoration approach, which aims to achieve ecological, economic, and social benefits simultaneously. This paper highlights numerous success stories of individuals who participated in these courses.

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Impact of Forest Management on Species Richness: Global Meta-Analysis and Economic Trade-offs


This study is a meta-analysis of data from forests managed for timber harvest to assess the conservation value of these forests. From processing data from 287 published studies they rank the following forest management systems from best to worst in terms of conservation value: selection and retention systems, reduced impact logging, conventional selective logging, clear-cutting, agroforestry, timber plantations, fuelwood plantations. They also conducted analysis of net present value in these same systems and found unsurprisingly that the ranking for net present value was different.

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From Target to Implementation: Perspectives for the International Governance of Forest Landscape Restoration


This article describes the international landscape of governance structures and institutions focused on promoting restoration. It aims to understand how the activities of these institutions with overlapping objectives can align and complement each other in order to create a more effective governance approach.

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Agro-Successional Restoration as a Strategy to Facilitate Tropical Forest Recovery


In the review article, it compares the forestry restoration model with the agroforestry restoration model. Even though they both incorporate the same techniques for controlling weeds and preparing the site for restoration, they differ in other aspects. One of the two agroforestry methods for restoration is the taungya method, which is when mixed crops and trees are all planted together, while the other is the agro-successional restoration method. 

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Agroforestry: a refuge for tropical biodiversity?


This paper provides a literature review on the role of agroforestry in conserving biodiversity within human-dominated landscapes.

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Regional and global concerns over wetlands and water quality


This paper examines the ecological role of wetlands in agricultural cachements and examines the dymamics of nutrient loading in wetlands at a local and watershed scale.

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Agro-Successional Restoration as a Strategy to Facilitate Tropical Forest Recovery


Abandoned agricultural lands have been increasingly around the world, forcing a recent drive to restore and reforest these lands. Yet, in the tropics there is often limited funding to meet the needs of restoration and the activities conflict with the uses of natural resources that contribute to human livelihoods. This paper outlines agro-successional restoration as a solution to these issues.  

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Mangrove rehabilitation: a review focusing on ecological and institutional issues


This article addresses the pressures and threats and the impetus for rehabilitation in mangroves around the world. It also examines rehabilitation techniques from the institutional and biophysical planning systems, including an overview of the rehabilitation process. Finally, it includes a discussion on what the authors consider a major issue for rehabilitation: failure and success in different projects and integrated approaches

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Prioritizing sites for ecological restoration based on ecosystem services


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When is a forest a forest? Forest concepts and definitions in the era of forest and landscape restoration


This article highlights the importance of creating forest definitions--what is meant by forest, what is meant by forest loss, what is meant by forest restoration--in order to create a conceptual, institutional, legal and operational basis for forest policies and interventions.

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