Ecosystem-based adaptation for smallholder farmers: Definitions, opportunities and constraintsbackgroundEcosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) or the use of biodiversity and ecosystem services has been gaining recognition as being a vital part of the overall strategy to help people adapt to the adverse effects of climate change. This study recognizes the importance of EbA in helping smallholder farmers adapt to climate change while providing co-benefits such as livelihood, continued provision of a variety of ecosystem services, and conservation of existing resources. Open access copy available |
Pest Management in Tropical ForestryBackgroundThis chapter of the Tropical Forestry Handbook introduces common pests, diseases, and disorders known to afflict tropical tree species. It describes methods of transmission, common symptoms, and provides visual guides on disease identification including infection manifestations in different parts of the tree. The chapter concludes with a discussion on disease management strategies including avoidance, control, and elimination highlighting the environmental factors that play into these strategies. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem ServicesBackgroundThis publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2011 conference held in Bogor, Indonesia titled "Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services". The aim of the conference was to provide a space in which forest restoration approaches used in Indonesia and elsewhere in Southeast Asia were shared and discussed. The report includes summaries of the opening and closing remarks along with the conference's seven presentations. Open access copy available |
Biofuels: The Impact of Oil Palm on Forests and ClimateBackgroundThis publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2009 conference held Singapore titled "Biofuels: The Impact of Oil Palm on Forests and Climate". With the emergence of palm oil industry, particularly in Asia, there has been a strong debate concerning the ability of this and other biofuels to reduce greenhouse gases but also its contribution to large-scale land conversion. This conference aimed to bring together experts from various fields to discuss potential solutions or alternatives to the industry. The report summarizes the opening remarks of the conference along with four panels, each of which were based on a specific question. Open access copy available |
Mainstreaming Native Species-Based Forest RestorationBackgroundThis publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2010 conference held in the Phillipines titled "Mainstreaming Native Species-Based Forest Restoration", which aimed to provide technical expertise and experience with restoration and reforestation practices for tropical forests in order to address the country's forest cover decline. The report summarizes the events of the two days, including two opening remarks, six presentations, and five panels. Open access copy available |
Policy Options for the World's Primary Forests in Multilateral Environmental AgreementsBackgroundAround the world, primary forest continue to decline. The authors of this article recognize that international forest policies is one means to slow or turn around these trends and thus they identify four new actions that can provide a policy foundation for key international negotiations. Open access copy available |
On the hope for biodiversity-friendly tropical landscapesBackgroundAs pristine tropical forests get harder to preserve, much expectation has been allocated to the conservation of ecosystem services and biodiversity into Human-modified landscales (HMLs). However, it has not been fully assessed to what degree HMLs are able to sustain ecosystem services and what management practices can enhance biodiversity conservatoin in them. Available with subscription or purchase |
Ecosystem Services Approach to Landscape Restoration and Sustainable LivelihoodsBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Towards a Synthesized Critique of Neoliberal Biodiversity ConservationBackgroundThis paper seeks to review critiques concerning neoliberal biodiversity conservation. The author sees two reasons for this review. First off, the majority of focus has been on neoliberal natures and neoliberal environment instead of neoliberal conservation. Second, there has been recent papers that explore the latter but the lessons are disconnected. Thus, this review seeks to analyze and provide connections among an emerging field. Open access copy available |
Advances in remote sensing technology and implications for measuring and monitoring forest carbon stocks and changeBackgroundUsing satelite images to monitor forest cover has advanced significantly in the past few decades but it still requires time to move into operation readiness. This article contributes to this progress through discussing how new technologies (i.e. improved satelite images and Lidar) can be used to improve monitoring of above ground carbon estimates. It specifically focusses on using Lidar technology and how moving Lidar devices from moving planes to satelite equipment could improve Carbon stock estimates. Open access copy available |