Forest Dynamics

La vegetación leñosa en helechales y bosque de ribera en la reserva científica Ebano Verde, República Dominicana (Woody vegetation in fernlands and riparian forests in Ebano Verde scientific reserve, Dominican Republic)



De 1940 a 1970, áreas deforestadas en la Cordillera Central de la República Dominicana fueron sujetas a incendios rutinarios lo cual causó erosión intensa y llevo al establecimiento de Dicranopteris pectinate, una especie de helecho de sotobosque. Esta especie de helecho rápido forma comunidades estables que inhiben el crecimiento de especies maderables e impide la sucesión natural del bosque. Se ha observado un fenómeno similar dentro de la Reserva Científica Ébano Verde en la República Dominicana.

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Restauración de ambientes deteriorados derivados de la selva tropical húmeda: el uso de los hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares (Restoration of degraded environments derived from the tropical jungle: the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi)

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Forest Recovery after Swidden Cultivation across a 40-year Chronosequence in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil


Secondary forest with a range of ages was compared to old growth forest in the Serra do Conduru State Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil in terms of species composition and structure.

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Tree species diversity and vegetation structure in shade coffee farms in Veracruz, Mexico


While some studies have argued that shade coffee enables similar biodiversity to remnant forest fragments, others contest that the ecological functions of shade coffee can be assumed to be the same or that policies promoting shade coffee will also benefit remnant forest fragments. Not all taxa have been thoroughly studied in shade coffee. This study reports on tree species diversity and vegetation structure in shade coffee farms in Veracruz, Mexico.

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Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador


Conservation of tropical biodiversity in agricultural landscapes has become more important as the area covered by natural ecosystems decreases. Understanding the types of biodiversity common in agriculturally managed lands, and involving farmers in conservation planning, is important for regional conservation goals.

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Seed Dispersal Distances and Plant Migration Potential in Tropical East Asia


Most predictions of vegetation responses to anthropogenic climate change over the next century are based on plant physiological tolerances and do not account for the ability of plant species to migrate over the distances required in the time available, or the impact of habitat fragmentation on this ability. This review assesses the maximum routine dispersal distances achievable in tropical East Asia and their vulnerability to human impacts.

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Manual de Reforestación para América Tropical (Reforestation Manual for Tropical America)

Este documento aporta una visión general de la reforestación a partir de muchas perspectivas diferentes.

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A Review of Dipterocarps: Taxonomy, Ecology and Silviculture


This edited volume provides a detailed introduction to the ecology and silviculture of dipterocarp trees.

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Light Acclimation of Four Native Tree Species in Felling Gaps within a Tropical Mountain Rainforest


This article addresses the decline of Ecuadorian mountain rainforests by evaluating the success fo enrichment planting of native tree species in forest gaps to prote native tree abundance and biodiversity.

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Releasing Rain Forest Succession: A Case Study in the Dicranopteris linearis Fernlands of Sri Lanka


This study evaluates the effectiveness of different site treatments for controlling the invasive fern Dicranopteris linearis which has arrested forest succession in areas of the Sinharaja Man and Biosphere (MAB) reserve in lowland Sri Lanka. The fernlands, which had existed in the reserve for 10-20 years before this study, are favored by forest clearance for swidden agriculture and periodic fires. 

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