Costs and Revenues
Erythrina (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae): A Versatile Genus for Agroforestry Systems in the Tropics.BackgroundThe genus Erythrina (Leguminosae) plays a crucial role in tropical agroforestry systems. These trees are adaptable and widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, with over 100 species globally. Erythrina species are known for their rapid growth, nitrogen-fixing capability, and adaptability to various environments, including low-fertility soils. Historically, they have been integrated into agricultural systems as shade trees, live fences, and forage sources. The diverse ecological benefits of Erythrina highlight its importance in addressing food security, environmental conservation, and rural livelihoods in tropical regions. Open access copy available |
Cómo financiar la restauración de los bosques tropicalesBackgroundLa restauración de bosques tropicales enfrenta desafíos económicos y sociales derivados de la presión sobre las tierras disponibles y la competencia con otras actividades como la agricultura y la ganadería. Sin embargo, la restauración ecológica se considera una oportunidad para recuperar ecosistemas degradados y generar beneficios económicos para los propietarios de tierras. El artículo analiza cómo financiar y hacer económicamente viable la restauración del bosque atlántico de Brasil, uno de los ecosistemas más biodiversos y amenazados del mundo. Open access copy available |
The Effectiveness of Payments for Environmental ServicesBackgroundThe academic debate on how effectively Payments for Environmental Services (PES) achieve environmental and socioeconomic goals continues to grow. Researchers initially focused on defining the concept and documenting early field experiences. Over time, they shifted their attention to designing effective incentives, analyzing behavioral responses, conducting systematic reviews, and applying counterfactual-based impact evaluations to assess outcomes more rigorously. Available with subscription or purchase |
Opportunities for Integrating Social Science into Research on Dry Forest Restoration: A Mini-ReviewBackgroundResearchers have well-documented the threats to seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs), including anthropogenic fires, climate change, and soil degradation. The widespread conversion of SDTFs to other land uses creates substantial opportunities for large-scale restoration and reforestation. While most research focuses on abiotic, environmental, and biophysical factors influencing restoration and secondary succession, researchers have largely overlooked incorporating social sciences or human dimensions into the restoration process, leaving a significant gap in the field. Open access copy available |
Committed to restoring tropical forests: an overview of Brazil's and Indonesia's restoration targets and policiesBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Quantifying Economic Damages from Climate ChangeBACKGROUND:Climate change is acknowledged as a global phenomenon, with local emissions causing damages across the globe and over extended periods. This makes the quantification of the "social cost of carbon" complex but crucial for effective policy-making. The study addresses the inconsistent focus on modeling the physical impacts of climate change relative to understanding its economic consequences. Available with subscription or purchase |
Maximizing biodiversity conservation and carbon stocking inrestored tropical forestsBackground:Ecological restoration plays a critical role in fragmented mega-diverse regions, particularly for endangered species with low dispersal rates. Species with impoverished populations, limited dispersal capacity, and important functionsas food resources for animals should be prioritized for active reintroduction in order to increase the conservation value ofrestored forests. However, seedlings from these species are often hard to find or too costly to include in many restoration projects. Open access copy available |
Metodología de reforestación y restauración de paisajes amazónicos degradados por minería: análisis de costosBackground:La actividad minera aurifera artisanal conlleva la deforestación, degradación del suelo, pérdida de biodiversidad y contaminación por mercurio. A medida que esta actividad crece, surge la necesidad imperante de desarrollar metodologías que permitan la reforestación y restauración de las zonas degradadas en los países amazónicos. Artisanal gold mining activity leads to deforestation, soil degradation, loss of biodiversity and mercury contamination. As this activity grows, there is an urgent need to develop methodologies that allow reforestation and restoration of degraded areas in Amazonian countries. Open access copy available |
A standard framework for assessing the costs and benefits of restoration: introducing The Economics of Ecosystem RestorationBackgroundPolicy behind restoration projects and efforts is stronger than ever before, however the funding and financial structure to keep these efforts going is drastically underdeveloped. Ecological restoration finance is not usually in the expertise of restoration practitioners and communities, thus requiring those people to bring in someone with that expertise for aid. The authors emphasize that restoration projects are long-term investments and therefore a better financial understanding is needed to properly plan and execute those projects. Better understanding the costs and benefits of restoration will help gain easier access to financial support. Available with subscription or purchase |
Adopt a carbon tax to protect tropical forestsBackgroundInternational investments in natural climate solutions such as conservation, restoration and land management remain low in many tropical countries. The authors point to research which shows that only 3% of global finance for climate change mitigation went towards natural climate solutions in 2017-18. They recommend constituting a national level carbon tax on fossil fuel companies to generate revenue to fund natural climate solutions. Open access copy available |