Small and Medium Enterprises

Gender equality, food security and the sustainable development goals


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Leveraging the blue economy to transform marine forest restoration


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Shaded-Coffee: A Nature-Based Strategy for Coffee Production Under Climate Change? A Review


Coffee agroforestry systems are a natural climate solution that are used to reduce the impact of coffee cultivation on ecosystem health. Coffee generates over $200 billion in income globally each year, so ensuring the efficiency and success of cultivation is crucial for human livelihood. Coffee agroforestry systems are often variable, and there lacks a compiled knowledge base about these systems and practices.

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The Embedded Agroecology of Coffee Agroforestry: A Contextualized Review of Smallholder Farmers’ Adoption and Resistance


Agroforestry crops are known to provide many benefits to both people and nature. Implementing agroforestry practices can be complex and requires improvement in certain regions and practices. Coffee agroforestry is not widely adopted and there is a lack of knowledge about the implementation of agroforestry techniques for coffee production.

Goals and Methods

The authors conduct a literature review including coffee production in Colombia, Malawi, and Uganda to understand their perceptions of coffee agroforestry, decisions on implementation, local policies, and capacity to adopt new practices.

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Small scale eucalyptus cultivation and its socioeconomic impacts in Ethiopia: A review of practices and conditions


In order to support growing populations in developing countries such as Ethiopia, people turn to fast-growing crop and timber species to support their livelihoods. Eucalyptus is introduced to Ethiopia for its fuel and construction as well as for its high growing rate and low maintenance costs. There is a current conflict around Eucalyptus cultivation, with many smallholder communities depending on it but clear environmental issues and expansion across farmland boundaries.

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Spatial patterns and drivers of smallholder oil palm expansion within peat swamp forests of Riau, Indonesia


Tropical peat swamps are a major carbon sink, and therefore critical for meeting global climate goals. There is also rapid loss of these ecosystem types due to agriculture practices and drainage. Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is often planted in drained peat swamps for production. Policies in Indonesia drive smallholder oil palm farms into peatlands and prevent their access to industrial fields.

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Climate-Smart Conservation Agriculture, Farm Values and Tenure Security: Implications for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the Congo Basin


The Congo Basin forest houses a high amount of biodiversity and is an important area to conserve in light of climate change. This region is also important for agriculture and local livelihoods, though current practices are degrading the forest. Certain policy issues surrounding land tenure and investments may be hindering climate smart agriculture.

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Oil palm expansion without enclosure: smallholders and environmental narratives


Oil palm expansion has been shown to cause deforestation and reduce land and resource availability for communities located near plantations. It has also been shown to have mixed impacts on local livelihoods. Some studies point to socially different impacts, with small and marginal farmers less likely to benefit from oil palm expansion while others find significant increases in incomes. This paper seeks to understand the factors that make smallholder farmers participate in oil palm expansion, and outline the varied narratives that are used by the proponents of oil palm expansion.

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Green economy, oil palm development, and the exclusion of Indigenous swidden cultivators in the Philippines


Green economy programs involve agro-industrial development in land frontiers for activities that are considered low-carbon or as seen as supporting greenhouse gas reduction. In the Philippines, as in many parts of South-East Asia, oil palm plantations are promoted as a form of green growth, contributing to food security and biofuels while meeting reforestation goals on lands that are often classified as idle, or waste, but may not be in practice. The paper explores the implications of oil palm development on land tenure security of smallholder swidden cultivators from indigenous communities.

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The use of Ecosystem-based Adaptation practices by smallholder farmers in Central America


Amidst the impacts of climate change in agricultural sector, there is an increasing number of smallholder farmers across the different landscapes of Central America engaged in sustainable, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) practices

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