Pathogens, Insects and Diseases
Suppression of seed production as a long-term strategy in weed biological control: The combined impact of two biocontrol agents on Acacia mearnsii in South AfricaBackgroundAcacia mearnsii is a woody plant native to Southeastern Australia and Tasmania. Introduced into South Africa in the mid-1800s for timber, the species has become invasive to the region. Reducing the amount of precipitation reaching the ground, hindering agriculture and lowering biodiversity are just a few of the detrimental impacts. Though there has been pushback to controlling this species for commercial interests, two biological control agents, a seed-feeding weevil and a flower-galling midge are known to control species spread and are introduced to the region. Available with subscription or purchase |
Towards integrated pest and pollinator management in tropical cropsBackgroundInsect-mediated services such as pollination and pest control are important for agriculture. Nearly 75% of the worlds’ crops depend on animal pollination. Overuse of pesticide impacting the health of agricultural landscapes and animal species is a growing concern. Integrated pest and pollinator management (IPPM) co-manages pollination and pest control with preventative and biodiversity-based practices. However, IPPM is newly conceptualized and remains mostly theoretical. Available with subscription or purchase |
Manejo integrado de insectos herbívoros en sistemas ganaderos sosteniblesEspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Distribution and genetic diversity of five invasive pests of Eucalyptus in sub-Saharan AfricaBACKGROUNDPlantation forestry in Sub- Saharan Africa has been characterized by an introduction of several Eucalyptus species because of their socio- economic benefits. However, these Eucalyptus trees have been affected by non- native foliage feeding insect pests, which have been accidentally introduced, resulting in stunted growth and in some cases mortality. The rate of introduction of non-native eucalypt-feeding insects globally has increased nearly five-fold between the 1980s and 2010s. Open access copy available |
Insectos vs suelo: la importancia de elegir indicadores para el monitoreo de la restauración ecológica.EspañolAntecedentesAmenazados por la degradación de suelos y la sobreexplotación de recursos naturales, los bosques andinos han sido objetos de mutiples proyectos e iniciativas de restauración forestal. Para ser exitosos, los proyectos de restauración deben incluir un plan de monitoreo comprensivo que evalúe indicadores relevantes y sensibles a cambios en el ecosistema. La selección de estos indicadores de monitoreo debe ser juiciosa y hecha en función a los objetivos de la restauración. Open access copy available |
Pest management through tropical tree conservationBackgroundDeforestation and crop monocultures in Veracruz, Mexico are leading to the disappearance of indigenous trees and the animal species that depend on them. This is particularly troubling to local agricultural workers who benefit from species like hymenopteran parasitoids that attack pest fruit flies. This research evaluates the relationship between hymenopteran parasitoids, pest fruit flies and their fruit hosts and proposes potential strategies for conservation and pest management. Open access copy available |
Impact of Forest Management on Insect Abundance and Damage in a Lowland Tropical Forest in Southern CameroonBackgroundA burgeoning timber industry in Cameroon, which became the fifth largest producer of timber in the world in the 1990’s, led to unsustainably high deforestation rates and high demand for forest regeneration interventions. Research in the Mbalmayo Forest Reserve in southern Cameroon has compared different silvicultural techniques for forest regeneration including complete and partial clearance methods. Available with subscription or purchase |
Leaf litter arthropod responses to tropical forest restorationBackgroundSoil and litter arthropods play critical roles in tropical ecosystem function including driving organic matter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization. With the increasing need for forest restoration projects, it is important to know how these arthropod communities respond to a variety of restoration strategies and techniques in order to maintain healthy ecosystem function. This study was conducted in a mixed-use agricultural landscape in southern Costa Rica, in an effort to contribute to local restoration research efforts. Open access copy available |
Insects and Other Animals in Tropical ForestsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Pest Management in Tropical ForestryBackgroundThis chapter of the Tropical Forestry Handbook introduces common pests, diseases, and disorders known to afflict tropical tree species. It describes methods of transmission, common symptoms, and provides visual guides on disease identification including infection manifestations in different parts of the tree. The chapter concludes with a discussion on disease management strategies including avoidance, control, and elimination highlighting the environmental factors that play into these strategies. Available with subscription or purchase |