Timber and Wood Products

Descripción de cuatro especies maderables de bosques del distrito Molinopampa, Amazonas - Perú para producción en viveros forestales

La determinación correcta de las características botánicas de las especies maderables es escencial antes de inicial cualquier proceso de instalación de plantaciones forestales. Este reporte se enfoca en cuatro especies maderables: Alnus acuminata, Cedrela odorata, Gordonia fruticosa y Solanum pseudosycophant debido a su importancia económica y las múltiples posibilidades de utilización por parte de los reforestadores industriales y campesinos.

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Small scale eucalyptus cultivation and its socioeconomic impacts in Ethiopia: A review of practices and conditions


In order to support growing populations in developing countries such as Ethiopia, people turn to fast-growing crop and timber species to support their livelihoods. Eucalyptus is introduced to Ethiopia for its fuel and construction as well as for its high growing rate and low maintenance costs. There is a current conflict around Eucalyptus cultivation, with many smallholder communities depending on it but clear environmental issues and expansion across farmland boundaries.

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Forest ecosystem services at landscape level – Why forest transition matters?


Forest transition theory describes patterns of forest decline and recovery. This theory explains what services change as forested landscapes shift in the three stages of recovery. This model covers both forest-type gradients (diversity and usage) and landscape gradients (connectivity and coverage). It is not yet understood how these forest transition stages influence the quantity and quality of ecosystem services.

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Consequences of broadscale timber plantations for biodiversity in cleared forest landscapes of tropical and subtropical Australia


In Australia, as in many countries, there has been a shift in timber production from native forests to plantations. While plantations are primarily considered an efficient means of producing timber, there is increasing interest in their potential contribution to biodiversity conservation. This paper conducts a literature review of the impacts of plantations on biodiversity and assesses plantation scenarios proposed for cleared rainforest landscapes in tropical and subtropical Australia.

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Understanding Forest Transition in the Philippines: Main Farm-Level Factors Influencing Smallholder’s Capacity and Intention to Plant Native Timber Trees


Small-scale farmers' decisions on when, where, and how to plant trees in their use of natural, human, and capital resources is critical to understand as part of any forest transition trajectory. This paper studies these questions in the Philippines.  

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Smallholder timber plantation development in Indonesia: what is preventing progress?


In the context of a supply-demand problem in Indonesia’s forestry sector in 2006 causing an increase in illegal logging, the government of Indonesia undertook measures to stem illegal logging and incentivize plantations. This paper evaluates a community timber plantation program in Indonesia called HTR (Hutan Tanaman Rakyat, community timber plantation).

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Economic Analysis of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) Community Forest Plantation, a Fast Growing Species in East Java, Indonesia


This article examines Paraserianthes falcataria (Sengon) mixed community forest plantations in East Java, Indonesia. The Indonesian government launched a timber / reforestation program in 1990 but only 20% of projected timber supply has come from these plantations, and total reforested area is far below targets. Before 1997, forest resources were held by concession companies, and local access rights were denied. Under reforms however, government decentralization gave local governments more authority to manage their resources, and extensive deforestation (and low levels of reforestation) has followed.

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Timber Investment Returns for Selected Plantations and Native Forests in South America and the Southern United States


This study examines the value of timber investments in South America. Exotic Eucalyptus in the southern cone (Argentina + Chile) are the most profitable, with Internal Rate of Return of 13-23%, followed by exotic loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), whereas investments in the southeast USA is less profitable.

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Effect of Land Prices, Transportation Costs, and Site Productivity on Timber Investment Returns for Pine Plantations in Colombia


This study assesses the importance of  land costs, site quality, and forest location on financial returns of forestry investments. 

Goals & Methods

The factors mentioned above were analyzed using data from pine plantations in the Andean region of Colombia.  Researchers determined site quality based on annual growth rates and they calculated  comparative return on forest investment based on sales of wood, market prices, wood transport costs, and bare land costs.

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Effect of Exotic Tree Plantations and Site Management on Plant Diversity


In this study of species richness, species behavior and stand parameters were analyzed under fast growing exotic tree plantations and compared with the characteristics of nearby secondary forest patches in Pointe-Noire and Loudima in Congo. The plantations were established in a grass-dominated vegetation of native savanna. The planted species investigated were mainly eucalypts hybrid (PF1), and secondarily Acacia auriculiformis and Pinus caribaea.

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