Forest Plantations
Species-Specific Tree Water Use Characteristics in Reforestation Stands in the PhilippinesBackgroundThe need for reforestation is becoming increasingly evident in countries like the Philippines where deforestation has lead to a scarcity of wood and other forest commodities. One concern with reforestation is the reduction in streamflow and groundwater recharge as trees move water from the ground into the atmosphere. Research Goals & MethodsThis study seeks to investigate the sap flux responses and tree water use in two 12-year-old multi-species stands. Available with subscription or purchase |
Community Reforestation in the Philippines: An Evaluation of Community ContractsbackgroundSince the 1950s, the Phillipines has lost over 15 million hectares of tropical forest. While there has been continued efforts to halt these trends and reforest the loss areas, there has been many barriers; thus the country recently turned to private and community-based efforts. This study is a review of two reforestation projects in the Philippines that were contracted through private entities rather than government agencies. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth, carbon sequestration, and management of native tree plantations in humid regions of Costa RicaBackgroundThe Costa Rican government has provided incentives for reforestation programs since 1986 and initiated a Payment for Environmental Services program in 1996. These incentives yielded native species reforestation programs throughout the country. This study examines growth, carbon sequestration, and management of seven native tree species (Vochysia guatemalensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Calophyllum brasiliense, Terminalia amazonia, Virola koschnyi, and Dipteryx panamensis) in single-species plantations managed by small landowners. Available with subscription or purchase |
Influence of Overstory Composition on Understory Colonization by Native Species in Plantations on a Degraded Tropical SitebackgroundThis study evaluates forest understory regeneration in a 4.5 year-old plantation in Puerto Rico. The plantations, established in 1989, were planted on abandoned pasture in mixtures or monocultures of three exotic species: Casuarina equisetifolia, Eucalyptus robusta, and Leucaena leucocephala. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Role of Native Species Plantations in Recovery of Understory Woody Diversity in Degraded Pasturelands of Costa RicabackgroundThis study analyzes the understory recruitment success of tropical timber plantations in order to understand biodiversity recovery on degraded lands through the use of fast-growing timber plantations. The study takes place in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. Open access copy available |
Leaf Litter Decomposition and Mulch Performance from Mixed and Monospecific Plantations of Native Tree Species in Costa RicabackgroundThis research looks at leaf litter decomposition rates and mulch performance of four native tree species in mixed and monospecific plantations at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. The four species considered were Callophylum brasiliense, Jacaranda copaia, Vochysia guatemalensis, and Strypnodendron microstachyum. The faster the decomposition, the faster the nutrient transfer from the trees into the soils for uptake by other trees or by crops when the leaves are used as mulch. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation and Regrowth in the Human Dominated Landscapes of South AsiabackgroundThis study evaluates the drivers of reforestation and regrowth in South Asia using case studies and a meta-analysis of 24 papers. Available with subscription or purchase |