Invasive Species Impact and Management

Ecological Considerations for Using Dipterocarps for Restoration of Lowland Rainforest in Southeast Asia


In this article, the authors present ecological factors that should be considered when engaging in dipterocarp forest restoration in Southeast Asia. Because many dipterocarps are insect-pollinated, have poor seed dispersal, have low density of reproductive adults, and have recalcitrant seeds, planting of nursery-reared tree seedlings could increase the ability of dipterocarp forests to regenerate.

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Factors Affecting Community Composition of Forest Regeneration in Deforested, Abandoned Land in Panama


This study tests how Saccharum spontaneum, an invasive grass, affects early forest succession and community composition in an area of previously abandoned pasture.

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Imperata Grassland Rehabilitation using Agroforestry and Assisted Natural Regeneration


This manual provides concepts and techniques for using assisted natural regeneration to establish forest and agroforestry systems in areas dominated by the invasive grass Imperata cylindrica.

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Effect of Nurse Tree Species on Early Growth of Anisoptera marginata Korth. (Dipterocarpaceae) on an Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Grassland Site in South Kalimantan, Indonesia


This study evaluates the survival of Anisoptera marginata, a native dipterocarp species, underplanted in four year old plantations of fast-growing exotics: Acadia crassicarpa, Acacia mangium, Gmelina arborea, Paraserianthes falcataria.

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Restoring rainforest fragments: Survival of mixed-native species seedlings under contrasting site conditions in the Western Ghats, India


Historical fragmentation and a current annual deforestation rate of 1.2% in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot have resulted in a human-dominated landscape of plantations, agriculture, and developed areas, with embedded rainforest fragments that form biodiversity refuges and animal corridors. This study evaluates restoration efficacy for tropical rainforest under three different site conditions in the Anamalai hills, India.

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Responses of 20 Native Tree Species to Reforestation Strategies for Abandoned Farmland in Panama


In the tropics, deforestation often leads to unproductive agriculture and results in degraded grasslands. This study seeks to understand why forests fail to regenerate naturally in these ecosystems. 

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