Restoration and Management Strategies

Large-scale Ecological Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Lands: The Potential Role of Timber Plantations


This study offers suggestions for how timber plantations can be designed to yield timber and improve biodiversity on cleared and degraded lands.

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Effects of fire on the recruitment of rain forest vegetation beneath Pinus caribaea plantations, Sri Lanka


Groundstory fires burn forest understories and can impact advance regeneration, contributing to conversion of forests to fire-sustained grasslands or fernlands. While plantations of fire-tolerant trees have been successfully established on these sites, managing fire in the newly developing understory remains an issue of concern.

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Application of Mycorrhizal Roots Improves Growth of Tropical Tree Seedlings in the Nursery: A Step Towards Reforestation with Native Species in the Andes of Ecuador


Ecuador’s tropical mountain rainforests are rich in biodiversity but are facing the highest deforestation rate in South America (1.7%). Tree plantations are one method being used to restore these forests, however these plantations often use fast-growing introduced species rather than native species. To improve the success of native species in order to encourage their greater use in plantations, this study proposes inoculation of nursery seedlings with the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi that is associated with these native species in the forest.

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Direct Seeding for Forest Restoration on Abandoned Agricultural Land in Northern Thailand


One problem with using direct seeding in reforestation is the predation and desiccation of the seeds. In this research, authors tested the effect of scarification, burial, mulch application, and scarification with burial to determine the germination speed of four native species (Sapindus rarak, Lithocarpus elegans, Spondias axillaris, Erythrina subumbrans) in northern Thailand.

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Case investigation on the participation of women in reforestation in the Philippines


This study explores gender-based participation in small-scale reforestation projects in the Philippines. Seedlings of a native pine, Pinus kesiya, and exotic Eucalyptus were planted through small-scale projects led by groups called Peoples’ Organizations.

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The Global Conservation Status of Mangroves


This research evaluates mangrove stands in 16 countries and island states throughout the neo- and paleotropics. Relying on site visits, the authors evaluate the local impacts on mangroves and the attitudes toward mangroves.

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Restoration of seasonal semideciduous forests in Brazil: influence of age and restoration design on forest structure


With the high rates of deforestation in tropical regions, the restoration of degraded lands has become an important way for maintaining the diversity of plant communities and for creating wildlife habitats. Evaluating the success of restored areas is essential for improving restoration designs and for successfully restoring such complex ecosystems.

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Plantas nativas para reforestación en el Ecuador (Native plants for reforestation in Ecuador)

Este trabajo ofrece información de más de 261 especies nativas a Ecuador para orientar en la selección de especies y el establecimiento de plantaciones forestales para reforestación. La descripción de las especies incluye información de la estructura de la planta, frutos, propagación, región/altitud donde se encuentran, suelos y otras características ambientales, usos comunes, dibujos morfológicos de la planta y otras observaciones.

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The Potentials of 20 Indigenous Tree Species for Soil Rehabilitation in the Atlantic Forest Region of Bahia, Brazil


This research presents the effects of 20 native tree species planted in 1974-1975 on different soil conditions in Bahia, Brazil.

Research Goals & Methods

In pure stands of the native species (some nitrogen-fixing) as well as a nearby 25 year old secondary forest, primary forest, and mixed-species plantation, soils were evaluated for the following conditions: depth, % carbon, % nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dry weight of forest floor litter, pH, and nodules.

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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