Wildlife and Species Interactions

Multiple invasions exert combined magnified effects on native plants, soil nutrients and alters the plant-herbivore interaction in dry tropical forest


Globalization has resulted in a higher number of species invasions, which have had detrimental impacts on ecosystem biodiversity, functions, and services. Assessment and management of all invasive species is based on knowledge of a small number of species. Management is also focused on single-species invasions rather than multiple simultaneous invasions. India has a high level of species invasions and minimal resources to control them.

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Designing optimal human-modified landscapes for forest biodiversity conservation


Current land-use patterns have resulted in the rapid conversion of forests to human modified forest landscapes (HMFLs). This degradation of forest landscapes can threaten species diversity and disrupt the ecological functions and services they provide. As such, designing and implementing effective landscape conservation strategies that benefit biodiversity as well as promote human well-being is essential.

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Insectos vs suelo: la importancia de elegir indicadores para el monitoreo de la restauración ecológica.




Amenazados por la degradación de suelos y la sobreexplotación de recursos naturales, los bosques andinos han sido objetos de mutiples proyectos e iniciativas de restauración forestal. Para ser exitosos, los proyectos de restauración deben incluir un plan de monitoreo comprensivo que evalúe indicadores relevantes y sensibles a cambios en el ecosistema. La selección de estos indicadores de monitoreo debe ser juiciosa y hecha en función a los objetivos de la restauración.

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Insects and Other Animals in Tropical Forests


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Beekeeping of Stingless Bees to Strengthen Community Livelihoods


This publication provides a summary of a training held Central Kalimantan, Indonesia in November 2019 concerning the keeping of stingless bees to enhance local livelihoods. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) requires companies to protect, conserve, and restore areas of high conservation value (HCV); one means of achieving this is through providing sustainable livelihoods like beekeeping. Thus this training aims at providing both plantation managers and local community members with the technical skills and knowledge to promote stingless beekeeping in order to preserve biodiversity and promote livelihoods. 

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Evaluating the ecological performance of wetland restoration in the Yellow River Delta, China


Throughout the world, wetlands have been severly degraded. In response, there have been large scale efforts to restore these vital ecosystems through focusing on three key areas: hydrology, biology and soil. Still, there are significant knowledge gaps concerning these efforts. Thus, this monitoring project evaluates the progress of wetland restoration in an area in the Yellow River Delta in China in order to further develop, refine, and disseminate site and landscape-level monitoring methods and trail restoration processes.

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Economic and conservation potential of bird-watching tourism in postconflict Colombia


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Greening peace in Colombia


Written in 2017, this article reviews the connection between Colombia's recent peace agreement after 50 years of conflict and the country's immense biodiversity. Given the social peace, the forests of Colombia are now more prone for development, specifically the increase of both official and unofficial road and infrustructures, which could have a detrimental affect on wildlife and ecosystem services. This article seeks to outline the challenges and opportunities that Colombia faces to integrate forest biodiversity conservation into economic development.

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Conserving Biodiversity in a Complex Biological and Social Setting: The Case of Colombia


Colombia is known for its immense biological diversity and complexity. This article examines three of the primary causes of these characteristics, including history, geogrpahy, and evolution along with the context of the country's conservation efforts. The auhors then identified threats based on trends that emerged from these themes.

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Hiniduma Biolink Project, Sri Lanka - Reforesting traditional home gardens using the analog forestry concept in wet zones of Sri Lanka


The Hinidum Biolink Project is a cooperative effort between the Conservation Carbon Company and Rainforest Rescue International that aims to build a biodiversity corridor between two remnant forests in Sri Lanka. The document is a plan for this Plan Vivo project, developed in June 2011.

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