Enrichment Planting
Catalyzing native forest regeneration on degraded tropical landsbackgroundForest clearing, forest degradation, and the deterioration of land productivity due to inappropriate management is a major problem in the tropics. While traditionally, restoration of forest lands abandoned from human use has relied on natural forest regeneration, this paper explores the potential of plantations to catalyze forest regeneration in the tropics. Open access copy available |
Tree plantations on farms: Evaluating growth and potential for successBackgroundInterest in native species is growing across the tropics as reforestation of degraded lands becomes more widespread. Evaluation of successful species is an important component of reforestation planning. Available with subscription or purchase |
Light Acclimation of Four Native Tree Species in Felling Gaps within a Tropical Mountain RainforestbackgroundThis article addresses the decline of Ecuadorian mountain rainforests by evaluating the success fo enrichment planting of native tree species in forest gaps to prote native tree abundance and biodiversity. Available with subscription or purchase |
Amazonian Forest Restoration: An Innovative System for Native Species Selection Based on Phenological Data and Field Performance IndicesbackgroundIn this article, data is presented from 14 years of evaluating native species from primary forests in Para State, Brazil for their potential use as reforestation trees on a bauxite mine. Available with subscription or purchase |
Seedling survival and growth of native tree species in pastures: Implications for dry tropical forest rehabilitation in central PanamaBackgroundEnrichment planting of tree seedlings is a method for accelerating reforestation of pastures in Central America. Persistent presence of cattle can be an impediment to the survival of unprotected seedlings, although cattle may also be a source of nutrients. Grasses can also cause competitive pressure on newly planted seedlings. Open access copy available |
Central Kalimantan Peatlands Restoration ProjectBackgroundIn Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, the peatswamps have been increasingly destryoyed by drainage, illegal logging and fire, which has impactd local livelihoods, the economy, and wildlife habits, along with contributed to greenhouse gas emissions. The Central Kalimantan Peatlands Project (CKPP) was started to respond to this problem. Open access copy available |
Experience with Planting Dipterocarps in Peninsular MalaysiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Three Paths to Forest Expansion: A Comparative Historical AnalysisbackgroundThis chapter describes various forms of reforestation and why those should be chosen. The author evaluates three reforestation methods and the conditions in which they will continue. Available with subscription or purchase |
Human Ecological Questions for Tropical Restoration: Experiences from Planting Native Upland Trees and Mangroves in the PhilippinesBackgroundThis article evaluates the human ecology of reforestation in the Philippines under the Bais Bay Development Action Program. Reforestation is considered in upland riparian as well as coastal mangrove areas. Open access copy available |