Enrichment Planting

Carbon Neutral: Uchindile Mapanda, Tanzania


As part of BP's Target Neutral program, this project is addressing grasslands that have been classified as degraded by establishing commercial forests at Uchindile and Mapanda districts in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands.

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Reserva Encenillo, Fundacion Natura, Colombia

This reserve is located in high montane forest of the Colombia Andes, designed to protect the locally important forest tree Weinmanniatomentosa (Encenillo in Spanish). The total size of the reserve is 135 ha of forest, and serves as a forest corridor in a matrix of pasture, potato, and remnant forest landscape.

Approximately 2-3 ha of degraded pasture were planted with Alnus acuminata in 2007. Alnus is planted in rows with approximately 3 meter spacing. Trees average mean annual increment is 1.35 cm at breast height, which is an average growth for the region; however, many trees had multiple stems, so total biomass is even larger.

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Rio Bogota - Fundacion al verde vivo

This project attempts to restore riparian forest along the headwaters of the Rio Bogota, upstream of the city of Bogota.

Since 2003, the Fundacion al verde vivo has worked with volunteers to plant trees along the riparian corridor. Many areas along the riverbanks were previously used for cattle pasture, leather tanneries, or other small constructions. Local laws require that certain distances of riparian buffer are maintained as forest, but these regulations are rarely enforced.

Plantings are conducted in rows with 1-2 meter spacing. Alnus plantings from 2005 form a canopy, and mid-successional species of oak, Spanish cedar, and other highland Andean trees are planted in gaps and in the understory.

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Afforestation for Reclaiming Degraded Village Common Land: A Case Study


In India, population growth and agriculture put a strain on natural resources, often resulting in "wastelands" where the soil is no longer productive - often either affected by either salt or alkilinity. Using soil amendments to restore these lands to productivity can be cost-prohibitive for the small villages that own these lands. Afforestation is one possible method for restoring the health of these in a cost-effective and scalable way. 

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Estrategias para la restauración ecológica del bosque altoandino. El caso de la reserva municipal de Cogua. (Strategies for the ecological restoration of the high Andean forest - the case of the municipal reserve of Cogua)

Entre los años 2002-2006 se realizó una restauración de potreros degradados en la reserva forestal municipal de Cogua (departamento de Cundinamarca - páramo alto - 2900-3630 m). Se hizo la restauración con 1) remoción de Chusquea scandens; 2) creación de perchas artificiales para aves (para facilitar lluvia de semillas); 3) siembras de especies selectivas Se notó invasión de Ulex europaeus y la herbivoría por Cavia porcellus (curí) como barreras para la restauración. Aún no se ha realizado una evaluación cuantitativa.

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Facilitation of Forest Landscape Restoration on Abandoned Swidden Fallows in Laos using Mixed-Species Planting and Biochar Application


This article aims to assess the feasibility of a plantation with eight mixed native species fertilized with rice husk biochar as a technique for soil amendment at a specific site in Laos.

Research Goals & Methods

The use of biochar was compared to inorganic (NPK) fertilizer and to no fertilization. The effects on the planted seedlings establishment and growth were monitored for four years.

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A 10-year evaluation of the functional basis for regeneration habitat preference of trees in an African evergreen forest


This study reports on the growth and survival of experimentally planted tree seedlings in the understory over a 10-year period in a moist evergreen forest at Kibale National Park in Western Uganda. 

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Especies forestales nativas con potencial para reforestación en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú (Native forest species with reforestation value in Oxapampa, Peru)



La organización Pronaturaleza, con el apoyo de The Nature Conservancy (TNC), se encuentra formulando un proyecto de secuestro de carbono con la finalidad de ejecutar Programas de Reforestación y Conservación de Bosques en la zona de amortiguamiento de tres áreas Naturales protegidas en la provincia de Oxapampa, Perú.

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Restauración ecológica de bosques tropicales en Costa Rica: efecto de varios modelos en la producción, acumulación y descomposición de hojarasca




Este estudio se llevó a cabo en Coto Brus, y se enfoca en la restauración de paisajes agrícolas fragmentados dentro del Corredor Biológico Amistosa. El mismo es un área prioritaria para la forestería y la conservación en Costa Rica que ha sido degradrada y transformada por la expansión agrícola durante los pasados 50 años, dejando solo un 25% del bosque original.

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Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forest Lands


This article discusses the options for the rehabilitation of degraded land on high rainfall areas. It suggests that it is both environmentally and economically disadvantageous to let the degraded land remain in an unproductive and rapidly eroding state.

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