
Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscapes


Deforestation and the declining extent of tropical forests has negatively impacted ecosystem functions, services, and goods and has disproportionately harmed the rural poor of tropical countries. In the wake of deforestation, agricultural development and traditional methods of reforestation (plantations) have largely failed to provide sustainable livelihoods. This review article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of different tropical restoration methods to combat forest degredation and address rural poverty.

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Contribution of Non-Timber Forest Products to Cash and Non-Cash Income of Remote Forest Communities in Central Africa


The authors investigate the contribution of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) to local community incomes within jointly-managed forest landscapes in Central Africa.

Research Goals & Methods

Data were collected from Bantu and indigenous persons' (IP) households using the Poverty-Forests Linkages Toolkit method. 

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Les sociétés rurales et les pratiques d’utilisation multiple des terres (Rural societies and land-use practices)

This chapter focuses on rural poverty in central Africa and the contribution of multiple land use practices to local development.

The authors discuss the paradox of belonging to an area that is on the one hand extremely rich in natural resources, and on the other hand extremely poor in national and local development.

They stress the importance of maintaining globally important natural resources that will be able to respond to the needs of future generations of central Africans.


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Fonds Environnementaux et Paiement Pour Les Services Ecosystemiques (Environmental Funds and Payments for Ecosystem Services)

The authors discuss environmental funds and the possibility of using payments for ecosystem services towards conservation efforts. They provided several case studies to demonstrate different systems of payments for ecosystem services and gave recommendations.


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Formations boisées et savanes africaines: opportunités et potentialités de la REDD+ (Wooded formations and African savannas: opportunities and potential of REDD+)

The authors provide an overview of the REDD+ program and deforestation in Africa. They addressed limitations fo REDD+ and noted that because each community is different, each project must be tailored to the individual needs of communities.


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Les forêts plantées dans les économies émergentes: Bonnes pratiques pour des investissements durables et responsables (The forests planted in emerging economies: Best practices for sustainable and responsible investments)

The authors provide a summary of best practices regarding sustainable and responsible investments in forests.


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The Potential of REDD+ in Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Congo Basin


The authors investigate the use of REDD+ as a means of transitioning to a green economy, using the countries of the Congo Basin region as case studies. To do so, the authors complete a review and analysis of national REDD+ strategies and REDD+ readiness proposals submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. 

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Scaling Up Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Africa to Restore Degraded Landscapes


Protecting and managing natural regeneration of woody species on‐farm  can help create new agroforestry parklands as well as promote natural regeneration off‐farm. Increasing the number of trees on farms as well as off‐farm is important in the context of accelerated climate change and ambitious pledges to restore degraded forestland. This study examines large-scale agroforestry parklands in three African countries.

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Economic and Social Significance of Forests for Africa’s Sustainable Development


This magazine issue covers topics related to Africa's forests and sustainable development.

Conclusions & Takeaways

Topics include sustainable mangrove management in Nigeria, plantation forests in South Africa, natural resource management in Zambia, land governance by local communities, etc.


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Mangrove reforestation: greening or grabbing coastal zones and deltas? Case studies in Senegal.


Mangroves have lost 20% of their global extent over the last 20 years. Mangrove reforestation incentives are increasingly widespread as a response to restore this vital ecosystem. However, the social and ecological impacts of common mangrove plantation methods are not adequately understood.

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