Towards Productive LandscapesBackgroundIncreasingly, practitioners, scientists, and policymakers are recognizing the need to puruse integrated landscape level initiatives to address restoration issues. Given this, this report draws on 29 papers by practitioners all over the world that highlight both the successes and challenges of landscape approaches in order to inform the future of these practices. Open access copy available |
Payments for Environmental Services: Some Nuts and BoltsBackgroundThis paper reviews current literature and considers observations from Latin America and Asia to describe Payment for Environmental Services (PES) strategies. Research Goals & MethodsThis paper aims to help demystify PES for non-economists, starting with a simple and coherent definition of the term. Open access copy available |
Paying for RestorationBackgroundThe authors examine the payments for ecosystem services and review strategies for funding ecological restoration. They do so by conducting a literature review that is focused on two main questions: "how should ecological and economic considerations be balanced in determining expenditures on restoration projects? how is society going to pay for the substantial costs involved?" Available with subscription or purchase |
Crise de l’économie de plantation et modification du paysage agraire dans l’ancienne boucle du cacao: l’exemple de Daoukro (Economic Crisis of Plantation and Landscape Modification in the Former Cocoa Belt: The Example of Daoukro)backgroundThis article explores the history of agrarian transition in the Ivory Coast's former cacao belt. Conclusions & TakeawaysThe shift away from cacao production to commodities like rubber, rice, cashews and oil palm results in changes in labor conditions and social relations.
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A Guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)BackgroundThis guide presents an introduction to Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), a tool for countries to evaluate areas for restauration of forest landscapes and identify priority areas. It provides steps for forest land restoration (FLR) preparation and planning, data collection, analysis of results, policy recommendations and implementation. Open access copy available |
Crise cacaoyère et stratégies des producteurs de la sous-préfecture de Meadji au Sud-Ouest ivoirien (Cacao Crisis and Strategies for Producers in the Southwestern Sous-Préfecture of Meadji)backgroundThis masters thesis describes the economic crisis of cacao in the 1970s and how farmers have responded to these changes. Conclusions & TakeawaysThe author argues that cacao farming strategies that take into account social relationships prove most efficient and argues for diversification of revenue sources as a type of safety net for producers in the face of future economic crises.
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Régénération naturelle assistée des forêts villageoises et promotion d’activités génératrices de revenus au profit des populations rurales au Burkina FasoThe authors describe the mission of the nongovernmental organization NewTree, which seeks to support rural populations in their fight against desertification and poverty. They discuss assisted natural regeneration in Burkina Faso in particular, as a means of generating sustainable revenue and state that the program has successfully preserved 225 hectares of land while generating income for rural communities.
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Évaluation des impacts socio-économiques: cas d’unité forestière d’aménagement de la compagnie forestière Leroy-Gabon (Socio-economic Impact Assessment: The Case of the Leroy-Gabon Forest Management Unit)BackgroundThis article provides a socioeconomic impact assessment of forest operations by the Leory-Gabon forest company. Research Goals & MethodsData were collected in villages and forest-exploitation camps between 2001 and 2002. The study relied on group survey data and selected research villages that experienced direct effects of forestry that were located in the UFA1 forestry zone. Open access copy available |
La forêt de tapia, écosystème endémique de Madagascar: écologie, fonctions, causes de dégradation et de transformation (synthèse bibliographique)The authors give an overview of the tapia forest, an ecosystem endemic to the highlands of Madagascar, discussing it's eoclogy, function, and causes of degradation They also review the importance of sustainably managing the forest's timber and non-timber resources for use by native populations. The article concludes arguing that the tapia forest should be protected and sustainably managed at least in part by the local community (with the understanding that some exploitation of the forest is necessary to improve the lives of local people).
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The Role of Trees in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the TropicsBAckgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |