Pollination and Seed Dispersal

Long-term changes in liana loads and tree dynamics in a Malaysian forest


Increasingly lianas are recognized as one of the most important growth form in seasonal tropical forest, yet there has been limited research that has studied the effects in other forests. This study discusses the effect of lianas on tree growth, reproduction, and survivorship in a Southeast Asian Dipterocarp forest.

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Bird Perches Increase Forest Seeds on Puerto Rican Landslides


Forest regeneration is typically difficult after landslides due to loss of above- and below-ground vegetative structure, the soil seed bank, soil nutrients, and soil structure. Landslides are a common occurrence in Puerto Rico due to its steep topography and heavy rainfall periods and often transform into grass- or fern-dominated terrain. Insufficient seed rain is thought to be one contributing factor.

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Seeding ecological restoration of tropical forests: Priority setting under REDD+


Tropical deforestation continues to be the major driver of biodiversity loss and a considerable contributor to climate change. Increasing numbers of forest-dependent rural poor rely on degraded forest for their livelihoods. Ecological restoration of tropical forests has the potential to not only contribute to biodiversity conservation and climate mitigation, but also poverty alleviation. REDD+ provides a potentially powerful mechanism for supporting ecological restoration of tropical forests in developing countries.

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Seed rain under tree islands planted to restore degraded lands in a tropical agricultural landscape


Planting native tree seedlings is the predominant restoration strategy for accelerating forest succession on degraded lands. However, planting tree “islands” is less costly and labor intensive than establishing larger plantations and simulates the nucleation process of succession. Tree islands can attract seed dispersers to gradually spread restoration patterns from the islands. Restoration design can be informed by assessing the effect of potential planting arrangements on seed dispersal by birds and bats and determining the influence of surrounding forest cover.

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Seed Dispersal and Potential Forest Succession in Abandoned Agriculture in Tropical Africa


Forest succession on disturbed and post-agrarian lands is often slow because the resources necessary for succession – such as soil nutrients, seeds, and moisture – are depleted. In such areas, succession may depend on bat- and bird-dispersed seeds arriving from distant forest patches.

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The Role of Animal Seed Dispersal in Accelerating Native Forest Regeneration on Degraded Tropical Lands


This article reviews the role of seed-dispersal in forest regeneration. In natural forest, species with animal-dispersed species tend to predominated in both early and mid-stages of succession, while wind-dispersed species tend to be vines and canopy species. The implications of wind versus animal seed dispersal are briefly summarized.

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Barriers to Lowland Tropical Forest Restoration in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia


This article examines the major barriers to forest restoration in the abandoned pastureland surrounding three forest fragments  in the Rio Rancheria watershed of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia. These barriers include: seed source, seed predation, competition from grasses, microclimate, soil quality, and fire.

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Seed Dispersal by Birds and Bats in Lowland Philippine Forest Successional Area


While seed dispersal by birds and bats can be an important driver of succession, few studies have studied this dynamic in the tropical forests of SE Asia. This study compares the role of bird and bat dispersal in the lowland dipterocarp forest of the Subic Watershed Forest Reserve (SWFR) in Luzon Island, Philippines.

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Effects of Artificial Roosts for Frugivorous Bats on Seed Dispersal in a Neotropical Forest Pasture Mosaic


This article evaluates whether the installation of bat roosts into abandoned pasture sites can attract frigivorous bats into pasture areas and encourage seed rain of early-successional plant species.

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Propagating Framework Tree Species to Restore Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest: Implications of Seasonal Seed Dispersal and Dormancy


This paper evaluates the seed germination characteristics of native tree species selected for reforestation in Thailand and cultivated in nurseries.

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