Assisted Natural Regeneration

Evolução estrutural de reflorestamentos de restauração de matas ciliares no Médio Vale do Paranapanema (Structural evolution of planted riparian forests in the Mid Paranapanema Valley, SP, Brazil)

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Relação entre a presença de vegetação herbácea e a regeneração natural de espécies lenhosas em pastagens abandonadas na Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil

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Use of Fruit Essential Oils to Assist Forest Regeneration by Bats


This study details techniques for attracting bats to an area to facilitate seed dispersal in degraded areas in and around Parque Estadual Vila Rica do Espírito Santo in Fênix, Paraná, Brazil.

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Establecimiento de seis especies arbóreas nativas en un pastizal degradado en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México (Establishment of six native tree species in a degraded pasture at Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico)



En este trabajo se evalúa  el efecto de tratamientos de deshierbe y fertilización sobre el desempeño de plántulas de seis especies arbóreas nativas en un pastizal degradado en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México.

Objetivos y Metodología

Cada 90 días, durante un año, se evaluó la supervivencia y el crecimiento de todos los individuos implantados.

Open access copy available

Restauración de ambientes deteriorados derivados de la selva tropical húmeda: el uso de los hongos micorrizógenos arbusculares (Restoration of degraded environments derived from the tropical jungle: the use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi)

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Forest Recovery after Swidden Cultivation across a 40-year Chronosequence in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Bahia, Brazil


Secondary forest with a range of ages was compared to old growth forest in the Serra do Conduru State Park in Southern Bahia, Brazil in terms of species composition and structure.

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Cultural Assessment of Reforestation Practices in Rural Eastern Paraguay


This master's thesis examines reforestation projects in eastern Paraguay with the aim of improving the methods of agroforestry extensionists. It describes the geography and historical background of Paraguay, including information on economic and environmental problems. It then provides a detailed site description of the study community and reforestation programs in rural Paraguay generally.

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Applied Nucleation as a Forest Restoration Strategy


To combat deforestation and restore forest cover quickly and efficiently, this article proposes the use of applied nucleation as a restoration strategy. The article reviews research to date on applied nucleation, which is a method for restoring degraded landscapes in which small clusters of shrubs and trees are planted to encourage natural forest regeneration.

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Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project


Kibale National Park is one of the last remaining tracks of tropical forest in Uganda. It provides great environmental benefits, specifically serving as a home to large populations of primates. The Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project seeks to protect these benefits.

Open access copy available

Principles and Practice of Forest Landscape Restoration: Case Studies from the Drylands of Latin America


Dryland forests cover nearly 30% of the surface of the earth and are of global importance for biodiversity and human livelihoods.Many dryland forest ecosystems have been destroyed or highly degraded due to unsustainable land-use practices, including livestock ranging, overharvesting, conversion to agriculture, and rapid urban growth. This document provides the results of a study evaluating the application of forest landscape restoration to dryland ecosystems in Latin America.

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