Assisted Natural Regeneration
Reasons for reforestation success and failure with three mangrove species in ColombiaBackgroundThis study examines the mortality and growth rates of the propagules, seedlings and saplings of three native mangrove species (A. germinans, L. racemosa, and R. mangle) in order to determine the ecological factors that influence tree growth and survival in deforested mangroves with restored hydrologic conditions on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Releasing Rain Forest Succession: A Case Study in the Dicranopteris linearis Fernlands of Sri LankabackgroundThis study evaluates the effectiveness of different site treatments for controlling the invasive fern Dicranopteris linearis which has arrested forest succession in areas of the Sinharaja Man and Biosphere (MAB) reserve in lowland Sri Lanka. The fernlands, which had existed in the reserve for 10-20 years before this study, are favored by forest clearance for swidden agriculture and periodic fires. Available with subscription or purchase |
Role of Legumes in Release of Successionally Arrested Grasslands inthe Central Hills of Sri LankaBackgroundMany cleared and abandoned forest areas have changed to successionally arrested grasslands, shrublands, or fernlands maintained by frequent fires and high herbivore populations. Many studies have shown that herbaceous legumes can protect soil surfaces, retain soil moisture, improve soil fertility, and retard ground fires. This study evaluates whether some of these species can satisfactorily establish in these arrested grassland areas to aid in the trajectory towards reforestation. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluation of Andean Alder as a Catalyst for the Recovery of Tropical Cloud Forests in ColombiabackgroundThis study compares the species composition and structural diversity of 30-year-old alder plantations with adjacent, naturally regenerated forests of the same age. The study seeks to determine if alder plantations are an appropriate catalyst for forest regeneration for conserving biological diversity and to determine if the differences between the two forest types are maintained over time. Available with subscription or purchase |
Regreening the Bare Hills- Tropical Forest Restoration in the Asia-Pacific Region (Overview)BackgroundIn this book, the author addresses various concepts and techniques for reforestation in the deforested areas of the Asia-Pacific Region. Open access copy available |
Postdispersal Seed Fate of Tropical Montane Trees in an Agricultural Landscape, Southern Costa RicabackgroundThis study seeks to understand postdispersal seed fate in Montane Costa Rica in order to better identify factors driving forest regeneration. Available with subscription or purchase |
When and Where to Actively Restore Ecosystems?BackgroundWhile conservation efforts around the world have focused on restoring degraded ecosystems to provide ecosystem services and benefit biodiversity, yet there has been an increasing recognition that certain ecosystems can rapidly recover without human intervention. This paper examines the question: what cases and to what extent should humans actively facilitate ecosystem recovery? Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of Artificial Roosts for Frugivorous Bats on Seed Dispersal in a Neotropical Forest Pasture MosaicbackgroundThis article evaluates whether the installation of bat roosts into abandoned pasture sites can attract frigivorous bats into pasture areas and encourage seed rain of early-successional plant species. Available with subscription or purchase |
Barriers to Forest Regeneration of Deforested and Abandoned Land in PanamaBackgroundThis article presents research findings on the effect of four limiting factors on tree regeneration: competition with the exotic grass Saccharum spontanaeum, seed dispersal limitation, fire, and soil nutrient deficiency. Research Goals & MethodsTreatments included prescribed grass cutting and burning, as well as the placement of plots at different distances from adjacent forest. Open access copy available |
Beyond Deforestation: Restoring Forests and Ecosystem Services on Degraded LandsBackgroundIn this review, the author presents the various stages of topical forest restoration. She describes a spectrum of reforestation approaches varying by time, cost, and biodiversity conservation value. Available with subscription or purchase |