Assisted Natural Regeneration

Principles of Natural Regeneration of Tropical Dry Forests for Restoration


This review article describes the ecology of forest regeneration in tropical dry forests.

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Reforestation of Abandoned Pastures: Silvicultural Means to Accelerate Forest Recovery and Biodiversity


Despite the 2736 native tree species in Ecuador, the majority of forestation activities in the country are based on exotic pines and eucalypts. In this book chapter, the authors describe the reason for this neglect being the lack of knowledge on the ecology and silvicultural treatment and the lack of nurseries growing these species.

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ASRI Restore -Marsellas site


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Forestry Project for the Basin of the Chinchiná River, an Environmental and Productive Alternative for the City and the Region


Over the last century, Andean watershed within Colombia has faced threats of uncontrolled deforestation, which have been driven by a rapid expansion of agriculture and cattle grazing. It is imperative that these trends be halted and reversed, thus the FAO proposes the reforestation of watersheds, which will improve the regulation of hydaulic flows to populations living in and downstream from river basins. This project planning document describes one of these programs, PROCUENCA-FAO, which began in 2001 and focuses on the Chinchiná River watershed. 

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Community Based Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (CBEMR) in Indonesia


While large-scale wetland/mangrove restoration projects have been successful worldwide efforts in Indonesia have largely failed. This is due to technical issues but also tenure issues. Considering pass projects and attempts, Ecological Mangrove Rehabilitation (EMR) has been identified as a potential best practice for Indonesia.  

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The Bigger Picture: Tropical Forest Change in Context, Concept and Practice


This article discusses differing concepts of reforestation between the fields of forest science and land change science. Most data from the field of forest science is small in scale and evaluates growth and production from the perspective of use of wood products.

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Three Paths to Forest Expansion: A Comparative Historical Analysis


This chapter describes various forms of reforestation and why those should be chosen. The author evaluates  three reforestation methods and the conditions in which they will continue.

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What is the State of Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Restoration?


This article reviews barriers and opportunities to recovery of deforested tropical montane cloud forest ecosystems. In recent years, agricultural and grazing lands in Latin America have been abandoned due to low productivity as well as rural to urban migration. However, land has not grown back with cloud forest species, but rather has remained dominated by non-forest vegetation (such as the grass Melinus minutiflora and fern Pteridium arachnoideum).

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A Tri-Partite Framework of Forest Dynamics: Hierarchy, Panarchy, and Heterarchy in the Study of Secondary Growth


As tropical forests continue to experience high levels of land use and land cover change (LULCC) as well as returning secondary growth, the literature is expanding to provide theoretical explanations for these processes. This report presents a three-part framework of forest dynamics that integrates multiple theoretical explanations for LULCC and secondary growth.

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Regeneration of Native Plant Species in Restored Forests on Degraded Lands in Singapore


This article presents the natural regeneration of woody species in the understory of 1 year-old and 4-year old plantation in Singapore.

Research Goals & Methods

Although the the site was cleared, except for remnant trees,before planting, the rootmatt of the fern Dicranopteris was left in the plots. One plot within each site had the rootmat manually removed. Regeneration of species greater than 10 cm in length were counted and identified.

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