Active restoration of secondary and degraded forests in the context of the UN Decade on Ecosystem RestorationBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Old timber plantations and secondary forests attain levels of plant diversity and structure similar to primary forests in the West African humid tropicsBackgroundThere is a high rate of biodiversity loss and deforestation in tropical ecosystems. In order to maintain global biodiversity, it is necessary to conserve plant diversity in alternative forest landscapes such as secondary forests and plantations. Comparing conservation values and tradeoffs of different forest landscapes is important for sustainable forest management and conservation practices. Open access copy available |
Overcoming biotic homogenization in ecological restorationBackgroundRegional, or gamma, diversity is often lower in restored landscapes compared to reference landscapes due to the selection of few desirable species for planting. Lowered diversity in restored landscapes is leading to overall biotic homogenization which puts ecosystems and humans in a more vulnerable position for adapting to environmental changes. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effects of plant species richness on the structure of plant-bird interaction networks along a 3000-m elevational gradient in subtropical forestsBackgroundThe structure and diversity of ecological communities is shaped by symbiotic plant and animal relationships. Some birds feed on fleshy fruit producing plants to disperse seeds and facilitate plant reproduction. Bird seed-dispersal networks are plant-animal assemblages that change with environmental conditions. Species richness and species specialization interact with elevation to result in unique assemblages. In this study, the authors examine how plant and bird interactions change with plant species richness along a 3000-meter gradient in a subtropical forest in China. Available with subscription or purchase |
Controlling invasive plant species in ecological restoration: A global reviewBackgroundInvasive plant species are known to impede the growth and establishment of many native plant species while influencing other ecosystem features such as soil properties, fire regimes, hydrology, and human well-being. This article presents the findings of a literature review of 372 articles to better understand the impact of invasive species and control methods to highlight gaps in overall knowledge of the topic. Available with subscription or purchase |
Designing optimal human-modified landscapes for forest biodiversity conservationIntroductionCurrent land-use patterns have resulted in the rapid conversion of forests to human modified forest landscapes (HMFLs). This degradation of forest landscapes can threaten species diversity and disrupt the ecological functions and services they provide. As such, designing and implementing effective landscape conservation strategies that benefit biodiversity as well as promote human well-being is essential. Open access copy available |
Carbon-focused conservation may fail to protect the most biodiverse tropical forestsIntroductionThe authors examine the relationship between carbon and biodiversity at the landscape-level across four gradients of disturbances and offer insight on optimizing carbon conservation projects with biodiversity conservation. Open access copy available |
Carbon-focused conservation may fail to protect the most biodiverse tropical forestsIntroductionThe authors examine the relationship between carbon and biodiversity at the landscape-level across four gradients of disturbances and offer insight on optimizing carbon conservation projects with biodiversity conservation. Open access copy available |
Understanding the value and limitations of nature-based solutions to climate change and other global challengesbackgroundNature-based Solutions (NbS) are initiatives that work with nature to adapt to environmental and climate challenges. NbS have grown in popularity in recent years, and are generally seen as a promising way to address the effects of climate change. Nature-based Solutions are also seen as a way to help countries achieve their Nationally-Determined Contributions (NDCs). Outlined by the UN Paris Agreement in 2016, NDCs are nations’ individual pledges to reduce CO2 emissions and adapt to climate change. Open access copy available |
Mangroves of Kenya: The effects of species richness on growth and ecosystem functions of restored East African Mangrove standsBackgroundThe authors of the story identify the gaps in long-term studies on the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem services in specific ecosystems. The study focuses on one of these ecosystems: mangroves, examining the effects of species diversity on above ground productivity. Open access copy available |