Discolouring the Amazon Rainforest: how deforestation is affecting butterfly colorationBackgroundButterflies are among the most colorful organisms in the world, and color plays a central role in many of their life-history strategies. However, sudden environmental changes, including anthropogenic disturbances such as habitat loss and fragmentation, could affect the efficacy of coloration strategies in these and other animals. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how deforestation is affecting butterfly coloration in the Amazon Rainforest and to provide insights into the potential consequences of anthropogenic disturbances on these beautiful creatures. Available with subscription or purchase |
Primates Can Be a Rallying Symbol to Promote Tropical Forest RestorationBackground:In the face of increasing threats such as deforestation, habitat loss, and climate change, the authors aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the potential of primates as a rallying symbol for promoting tropical forest restoration, taking into account the interactions between primates, their habitats, and human communities. Goals:The authors aim to: Open access copy available |
Lowland Tapirs Facilitate Seed Dispersal in Degraded Amazonian ForestsBackground:During their first decades of growth, secondary tropical forests have the potential to accumulate significative more carbon than old-growth stands. Nevertheless, recovering degraded forests' habitats could be an expensive task to achieve. In this context, natural regeneration processes, such as seed dispersal by herbivorous animals, offer a cost-effective tool to recover degraded forests, although this role remains largely unexplored. Available with subscription or purchase |
Calibrating Nepal’s scientific forest management practices in the measure of forest restorationBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Restoration of plant-animal interactions in terrestrial ecosystemsBackgroundPlant-animal interactions are understudied within ecosystem restoration contexts. They are crucial to restoration success, with valuable processes like pollination, seed dispersal, and herbivory. The potential of animal reintroductions in restoration practices is understudied as well. Understanding these interactions is an important piece for future restoration efforts. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tree diversity in a tropical agricultural‑forest mosaic landscape in HondurasBackgroundTropical forests hold high biodiversity values, but are also valued for agricultural land uses. Particularly in Central America, a region with particularly high biodiversity, intensive land management practices have reduced and continue to reduce forest and species abundance. There is a push to change land use practices in order to restore and promote biodiversity, though the potential for biodiversity on agricultural landscapes is an understudied subject. Open access copy available |
Bird Assemblages in Coffee Agroforestry Systems and Other Human Modified Habitats in IndonesiaBackgroundDeforestation in tropical regions such as Indonesia is mainly driven by need for agricultural expansion. Agroforestry systems for a major agricultural crop, coffee, are becoming increasingly popular as the need for forest restoration is more apparent. Coffee agroforestry provides benefits to biodiversity, though specific impacts of coffee shade trees on bird populations outside of the Neotropics and Africa are understudied. Birds are a highly important taxa and serve many vital ecological roles. Open access copy available |
Identifying hotspots for ecosystem restoration across heterogeneous tropical savannah-dominated regionsBackgroundIn the U.N. Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, ecological restoration projects are a valuable tool for meeting global sustainability climate goals. Tropical regions are at the center of attention for their high biodiversity, carbon sink, and benefits to culture and human livelihood. Tropical dry savannahs are understudied even though they cover a large portion of tropical regions. Savannah dominated landscapes are valuable for their high plant diversity and vegetation type variation and high species turnover. Benefits to restoring these ecosystem types are also understudied. Open access copy available |
How are biodiversity and carbon stock recovered during tropical forest restoration? Supporting the ecological paradigms and political context involvedBackgroundEcological restoration is a tool for achieving global environmental agendas and climate mitigation. There are many studies on the restoration of ecosystem biodiversity, as well as on the restoration of ecosystem functioning. The relationship between these two ecological features is not yet clearly known beyond a positive correlation between the two. The authors conduct this meta-analysis to explore the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in the context of ecological restoration. Available with subscription or purchase |
Regeneration Status and Role of Traditional Ecological Knowledge for Cloud Forest Ecosystem Restoration in EcuadorBackgroundForests are a crucial component of global biodiversity. Ecuador has a long history of deforestation and forest degradation. Historical contexts such as colonization and governmental initiatives have shaped and will continue to shape the way people and forests interact. Emerging evidence supports the integration of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) into ecological restoration practices in order to more effectively manage natural resources while incorporating the needs of local communities. The authors use this study to evaluate human disturbance impacts on cloud forest species and what TEK in the area can provide to aid in restoration. Open access copy available |