
Socioecological transition in the Cauca river valley, Colombia (1943–2010): towards an energy–landscape integrated analysis


Globally, agroecosytems are facing signficant challenges due to socio-ecological trends in which they are pressured to intensify in order to meat growing economic demands while also attempting to avoid the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services typically associated with agricultural intensification. This study uses the Cauca river valley in Colombia as a case-study in order to investigate the land use change and the ways human disturbance in agroecosystems are associated with landscape processes. 

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Conserving Biodiversity in a Complex Biological and Social Setting: The Case of Colombia


Colombia is known for its immense biological diversity and complexity. This article examines three of the primary causes of these characteristics, including history, geogrpahy, and evolution along with the context of the country's conservation efforts. The auhors then identified threats based on trends that emerged from these themes.

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Bosques andinos del sur de Ecuador, clasificación, regeneración y uso (Andean Forests of Southern Ecuador, classification, regeneration and use)



A pesar de la gran diversidad e importancia de los bosques montanos tropicales, existe muy poca información disponible sobre ellos, incluyendo inventarios y descripciones.

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Restoration of Degraded Tropical Forest Landscapes


Deforestation and the declining extent of tropical forests has negatively impacted ecosystem functions, services, and goods and has disproportionately harmed the rural poor of tropical countries. In the wake of deforestation, agricultural development and traditional methods of reforestation (plantations) have largely failed to provide sustainable livelihoods. This review article assesses the strengths and weaknesses of different tropical restoration methods to combat forest degredation and address rural poverty.

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The Potential for Species Conservation in Tropical Secondary Forests


The importance of tropical secondary forests for conserving biodiversity increases with the degradation of old-growth forests, yet little is known about the role that these forests play in promoting biodiversity. Geospatial and temporal factors influence the role of secondary forests in species conservation, and this synthesis of case studies evaluates the significance of these factors on regional and landscape scales.

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Genetic Consequences of Tropical Second-Growth Forest Regeneration


This article is an examination of the genetic impacts of old-growth deforestation among 24 year-old second-growth Iriartea deltoidea, a canopy palm, in a lowland Costa Rican forest. Iriartea is widely distributed throughout neotropical rainforests and displays a diverse range of size classes in mature forests. This species recolonizes second-growth forests with newly generated seeds, which are dispersed by birds and mammals.

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Preliminary Studies on Imbrasia oyemensis, A valuable Non-Wood Forest Product in Cameroon


In many countries throughout Africa, Asia, and Latin America, insects significantly contribute to food security. One widely eaten insect in Cameroon is the Imbrasia oyemensis, an edible caterpillar. The caterpillar primarily feeds on the locally known Sapele tree, which is also exploited for timbr production. In order to understand more about the potential competitive nature between logginf and harvesting I. oyemensis, this study aims to examine some of the unknown factors of the moth species that contribute to its survival. 

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Assessing Forest Degradation: Towards the Development of Globally Applicable Guidelines


This FAO report defines forest degradation and provides guidelines for assessing levels of degradation with the purpose of influencing policies and forest management plans towards restoration. The report provides directions on how to measure four markers: 1) growing stock and biomass, 2) biodiversity, 3) production of forest goods, and 4) soil erosion. 

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Les facteurs déterminants le succès de reproduction de la Tourterelle des bois (Streptopelia turtur) dans un milieu agricole Nord-Africain

The authors provide ecological information regarding the use of trees and agriculture by the turtle dove. They argue for increased research to determine the success of fruit trees on sustaining populations of wildlife.


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Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture: Contributing to Food Security and Sustainability in a Changing World


This report identifies challenges in current agricultural production and argues for the incorporation of biodiverse agricultural practices to best realize sustainable development goals.

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