Carbon Stocks and Sequestration

Carbon farming with bamboos in Africa: A call for action


Bamboos are of paramount importance for livelihoods, landscapes, and climate change mitigation. When compared to other regions, little research has been done about bamboo resources in Africa. This is because National Forest Resources Assessments rarely capture the necessary data. Approximately, there are 38 species of woody bamboos native to sub-Saharan Africa including Madagascar with many endemic species. So far, their population is dwindling but if sustainably managed, they can contribute significantly economically and to the environment.

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Monitoring and estimating tropical forest carbon stocks: making REDD a reality


Aboveground carbon is directly impacted by deforestation and degradation, thus it is often the variable of choice in monitoring activities. It is also used to estimate the amount of carbon in other pools. This article reviews methods available to estimate national-level forest carbon stocks in developing countries.

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Infuence of tree cover on diversity, carbon sequestration and productivity of cocoa systems in the Ecuadorian Amazon


In this study, Jadan et al. objective was to evaluate the relationship between richness and floristic diversity, carbon storage, ecosystem services, agricultural productivity, and forest use potential under three land use systems in the Ecuadorian Amazon: cocoa-based agroforestry, cocoa monoculture and primary forest. In this region, one of the most important cultivation systems is the “Chakra”, a traditional organic farming production system, mainly practiced by indigenous peoples, that consists in the cultivation of staple crops in combination with commercial valuable species such as cocoa, obtaining multiple benefits.

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Satellite Data-Based Phenological Evaluation of the Nationwide Reforestation of South Korea


South Korea's reforestation efforts since the 1950s have been evaluated for changes in biomass, area, and growing stock, but little has been done to study the phenology changes (seasonal changes) and photosynthetic activity, which will help in the preparation of new forest management in light of climate change.

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Carbon Sequestration Potential of Indian Forests


While deforestation in the tropics is a common subject of concern, India has retained a net positive afforestation rate from 1951-2000, with greatest gains after 1980. These efforts have afforested 35 MHa.

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Carbon Sequestration in Pastures, Silvo-Pastoral Systems and Forests in Four Regions of the Latin American Tropics


77% of agricultural land in the tropical Americas is used for pasture (including silvo-pasture and Argo-silvo-pasture), making carbon stocks in this land type an important consideration. This paper presents three-year research results on the evaluation of soil carbon stocks (SCS) in long-established pasture and silvo-pastoral systems (10-16 years under commercial production), native forests and degraded land in four regions of tropical Americas.

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Carbon stocks in biomass and soils of woody species fodder banks in the dry tropics of Mexico


Fodder banks are a common feature of tropical silvopasture. This study evaluates the C concentration and storage in above- and belowground tree biomass and soils of fodder banks of Leucaena leucocephala, Guazuma ulmifolia, and a combination of the both species.

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Manuel de construction d’équations allométriques pour l’estimation du volume et la biomasse des arbres

The authors of this manual provide allometric equations and background information on how to estimate forest biomass at various scales.


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Contribution des écosystèmes continentaux à la séquestration du carbone (Contribution of continental ecosystems to carbon sequestration)

This article focuses on the contribution of forest ecosystems on biomass and soil carbon stocks. The authors address variability, difficulties with measurement, and anthropogenic land use influences on carbon stocks.


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Formations boisées et savanes africaines: opportunités et potentialités de la REDD+ (Wooded formations and African savannas: opportunities and potential of REDD+)

The authors provide an overview of the REDD+ program and deforestation in Africa. They addressed limitations fo REDD+ and noted that because each community is different, each project must be tailored to the individual needs of communities.


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