Carbon Stocks and Sequestration

Forest Conservation, Afforestation and Reforestation in India: Implications for Forest Carbon Stocks


This article presents an assessment of the implications of past and current forest conservation and regeneration policies and programmes for forest carbon sinks in India.

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Modelos alométricos para la estimación de biomasa aérea de dos especies nativas en plantaciones forestales del trópico de Cochabamba, Bolivia (Allometric models for estimating aboveground biomass in Cochabamba, Bolivia)

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Florestas e Bioenergia (Forests and Bioenergy)

This article is an overview of the present status and prospects for the use of planted forests for bioenergy in São Paulo state, Brazil. The author compiled data to estimate the state's land area suitable for forest biomass production. Sugarcane and eucalyptus plantations were compared in terms of energy production and costs, with eucalyptus being slightly more than half as expensive / unit energy / hectare as sugarcane. Finally, a series of policy recommendations necessary to facilitate the use of forests for energy production.

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Pacto pela restauração da mata atlântica: referencial dos conceitos e ações de restauração florestal (Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest: Reference for Concepts and Action of Forest Restoration)

An overview of theory, rationale, and techniques for restoration and reforestation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.

The chapters covered the following subjects: An explanation of the evolution of restoration techniques and methodologies as the practice of restoration has become more sophisticated; Environmental diagnostics of areas to be restored; Monitoring of areas as a tool to evaluate effectiveness of methodologies; Quantification and monitoring of biomass and carbon in planted areas; Restoration methods for economic benefits; and Description of operational actions for restoration.


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Secuestro de carbono a través de plantaciones de eucalipto en el trópico húmedo (Carbon sequestration through Eucalypt plantations in the humid tropics)

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Sistemas silvopastoriles como una herramienta para el mejoramiento de la productividad y restauración de la integridad ecológica de paisajes ganaderos



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The Political Economy of Reforestation and Forest Restoration in Asia-Pacific: Critical Issues for REDD+


This study examines the political and economic factors that have commonly shaped reforestation and forest restoration initiatives in the greater Asia-Pacific region.

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Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project


Kibale National Park is one of the last remaining tracks of tropical forest in Uganda. It provides great environmental benefits, specifically serving as a home to large populations of primates. The Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project seeks to protect these benefits.

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Guidance on Coffee Carbon Project Development Using the Simplified Agroforestry Methodology (Lineamientos Para el Diseño de Proyectos de Carbono en Cafetales Usando La Metodología Agroforestal Simplificada)




Esta guía fue preparada por el “Rainforest Alliance” con el objetivo de proveer a dueños y gerentes de fincas cafetaleras información práctica y detallada sobre el desarrollo de proyectos agroforestales o de repoblación forestal; esto con la meta final de establecer elegibilidad para programas de bonos de carbono. Se provee una vista amplia de proyectos agroforestales de carbono, incluyendo información sobre las distintas labores necesarias para la implementación de los mismos.

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Programa Nacional Para La Conservaction, Restauracion y Manejo Der Ecosistema De Bosque Seco En Nicaragua



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