Climate Change
Lowering Emissions in Asia's Forests (LEAF)BackgroundThe Lowering Emmissions in Asia's Forests (LEAF) program was USAID regiona initiative that ran for five years, from 2011 to 2016. This final report summarizes the challenges the LEAF program faced and the results it achieved. Open access copy available |
Farmer Strategies for Dealing with Climatic Variability: A Case Study from the Mixteca Alta Region of Oaxaca, MexicobackgroundClimate change is likely to disproportionally effect tropical regions. Yet effective adaptation requires an understanding of climate variability at specific locations and most data is regional. This is particularly true for small-scale farmers, who are highly vulnerable. This paper calls for a bridging of scientific and traditional knowledge in order to construct this location-specific understanding. This article discusses participatory research in the mixteca alta region of oaxaca, mexico that facilitated a process whereby farmers evaluated the ability of their agroecosystems to withstand the vagaries of climate. Open access copy available |
Mitigation of Climate Change through Sustainable Forest Management and Capacity Building in the Southern States of MexicoBackgroundIn 2007/8 the Government of Mexican and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) developed a proposal for a forestry value chain project. The Community-based Forestry Development Project in the Southern States of Campeche, Chiapas, and Oaxaca, otherwise known as DECOFOS, was the project that emerged from this proposal. Open access copy available |
The Mountain Pine Ridge Reforestation ProjectBackgroundBy 2000, the pine trees in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve in Belize were heavily attacked by the Southern Pine Bark Beetle (Dendroctomus frontalis). The beetle did so much damage that the natural restoration of the pine forest was practically unattainable due to a lack of seed resources and continuing fires. The alternative is to abandon management and allow a pine savannah to develop. This paper compares the carbon sequestion potentional for a pine forest and a pine savannah in this region. Open access copy available |
Burkina Faso, Greening the SahelBackgroundWeForest works in the Sahel region of north-east Burkina Faso, collaborating with Entrepreneurs without Borders to address climate change, environmental degradation, and poverty through planting trees. Goals & ApproachAs part of the Great Green Wall initiative, this project aims to fight desertfication through reforestation. The project prepares land for restoration while also working on sowing and planting various tree species throughout. Open access copy available |
Assuming Women’s Representation in Carbon Forestry ProjectsBackgroundWomen have historically played a critical role around the world in forest-related decision making yet there has been a significant unequal representation of this stakeholder group when it comes to the recent explosion of carbon-trading interventions, such as payment for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, clean development mechanisms (CDM), and reduced emmissions and deforestation and forst degradation (REDD+). This unequal representation has been widely recognized and there is a fear that it is getting worse as forest governance changes. Open access copy available |
Carbon Neutral: Uchindile Mapanda, TanzaniaBackgroundAs part of BP's Target Neutral program, this project is addressing grasslands that have been classified as degraded by establishing commercial forests at Uchindile and Mapanda districts in the Tanzanian Southern Highlands. Open access copy available |
Community Action for Biodiversity and Forest Conservation and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Wild Coffee Forests (CAFA)BackgroundLocated in southwest Ethiopia, the Kafa Biosphere Reserve is an important area for water quality, carbon storage, and a range of endangered and endemic species. Moreover, around 65,000 people live in the reserve, most of whom depend on subsistence agriculture for their livelihoods. Coffee also grows wild in the region, which locals often harvest for sale. Still, poverty and population growth is common within these communities, causing increasing strain on natural resources. To address these needs, Nabu began a community action project. Open access copy available |
Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project - Phase IBackgroundIn 2016, the Eastern Province of Rwanda was dramatically hit by a drought, which brough additional burdens to already existing systematic challenges that farmers in the region faced. More thatn 45,000 individuals became food insecure in the region, forcing the government to provide food and water. To mitigate future water-related calamities, the government proposes the Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project (KIIWMP). Open access copy available |
Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Natural Resource ManagementBackgroundThe United Nations Environmental Programme and the Government of Sudan started the Adapt for Environment and Climate Resilience in Sudan project, otherwise known as ADAPT!, which seeks to engage a wide audience in order enhance environmental management, governance and climate resilience to help the people of Sudan cope with environmental stress and climate change. Open access copy available |