Climate Change

Geographic overlaps between priority areas for forest carbon-storage efforts and those for delivering peacebuilding programs: implications for policy design


Forest-based emmission reductions, such as REDD+, have increasingly been promoted yet the conversation around these initiatives rarely consider opportunities outside the environmental sector. This paper examines one of these opportunities: the interaction between carbon-storage and peacebuilding. Using Colombia as a case-study, the authors investigate the ways in which forest carbon-storage and peacebuilding influence conservation and conflict.

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The ecology of peace: preparing Colombia for new political and planetary climates


Written in 2018, this article recognizes that Colombia is emerging from a decades long conflict and this newfound social peace will have ecological and environmental effects. The authors aim to examine how the current, stable state of Colombia along with the continuing changes in global climate may shape both the ecological character and biodiversity of the country. They do so by first reviewing the socio-political state of Colombia and then go on to identify challenges in research and policy and discuss management decisions in the country that may lead to beneficial outcomes. 

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Native trees and shrubs for the productive rehabilitation of tropical cattle ranching lands


Latin America, much like the rest of the rest of the world, has experienced significant deforestation rates. In this region, the primary driver has been large-scale land conversion to unsustainable uses, like industrial cattle ranching and agriculture. This article recognizes the deep-rootedness of cattle in Latin American economies and cultures, yet stresses the need to shift the paradigm by adopting intensive silvopastoral systems (ISS) that utilize native species. 

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The Monte Pascoal‐Pau Brasil ecological corridor carbon, community and biodiversity initiative: another carbon offset failure


In 2013, Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) programs had recently been introduced to governments and conservation groups around the world. Yet, as they were being implemented at increasing rates, traditional forest use practices were vilified while large-scale drives of deforestation were left unaddressed. This was common particularly in Brazil. 

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National Potential and Priority Maps for Tree-Based Landscape Restoration in Ethiopia


This technical report was created by Ethiopia's Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MEFCC) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) as a first step in Ethiopia's large-scale forest restoration efforts aimed to improve livelihoods and address climate change. 

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Formations boisées et savanes africaines: opportunités et potentialités de la REDD+ (Wooded formations and African savannas: opportunities and potential of REDD+)

The authors provide an overview of the REDD+ program and deforestation in Africa. They addressed limitations fo REDD+ and noted that because each community is different, each project must be tailored to the individual needs of communities.


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The Potential of REDD+ in Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Congo Basin


The authors investigate the use of REDD+ as a means of transitioning to a green economy, using the countries of the Congo Basin region as case studies. To do so, the authors complete a review and analysis of national REDD+ strategies and REDD+ readiness proposals submitted to the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility. 

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Tropical reforestation and climate change: beyond carbon


Tropical reforestation has been highlighted as an important intervention for climate change mitigation because of its carbon storage potential. Tropical reforestation can also play other frequently overlooked, but significant, roles in helping society and ecosystems adapt to climate variability and change.

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Maintenance of Hydropower Potential in Rwanda Through Ecosystem Restoration: World Resources Report Case Study


Rwanda’s rapidly expanding electricity production is highly reliant on hydropower. However, hydropower as a sole source presents risks during changing global and regional hydrological conditions.

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Agroforestry Solutions to Address Food Security and Climate Change Challenges in Africa


Many parts of Africa face food insecurity and land degradation, challenges which will only be exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. The article proposes that agroforestry has the potential to improve the resilience of small farmers by enhancing soil fertility and providing food and fuel sources. However there has not been widespread adoption of agroforestry strategies across Africa.

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