Deforestation and Degradation

Bosques tropicales y cambio climático: Un manual temático para líderes religiosos y comunidades de fe




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La participación de los grupos étnicos en REDD+: Algunas consideraciones, retos y oportunidades para el caso de Colombia




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Restauración ecológica en un clima cambiante: ¿Es imprescindible un cambio de modelo?




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Pest management through tropical tree conservation


Deforestation and crop monocultures in Veracruz, Mexico are leading to the disappearance of indigenous trees and the animal species that depend on them. This is particularly troubling to local agricultural workers who benefit from species like hymenopteran parasitoids that attack pest fruit flies. This research evaluates the relationship between hymenopteran parasitoids, pest fruit flies and their fruit hosts and proposes potential strategies for conservation and pest management.

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Targeted habitat restoration can reduce extinction rates in fragmented forests


Habitat lost is one of the primary drivers of species extinction. This study examines two highly-fractured ecosystems, the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, and evaluates the rate at which habitat loss may lead to extinction and thus biodiversity loss. Specifically, the authors use halflife vs. area relationship to determine how long it will take to lose one-half of all tropical bird communities in each habitat. 

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Bioremediation of a crude-oil polluted agricultural-soil at Port Harcourt, Nigeria


Since more than 98% of Nigeria’s current economic support is crude oil, and oil spills are in inevitable and frequent, six treatment sample-cell were tested on the soils of the Niger Delta of Nigeria for crude oil bioremediation. Oil spills cause nitrogen levels to decrease, while increasing carbon content. A decrease in nitrogen and the toxicity of crude oil reduces the growth of heterotrophic bacteria, which utilize petroleum carbon for cell synthesis.

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Strengthening the national restoration strategy


In response to the launch of the Bonn Challenge, El Salvador committed to restoring one million hectares. The country's Ministry of Natural Resources and IUCN applied Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM) to El Salvador in order to determine and analyze restoration options based on biophysical, social and economic criteria. The paper summarizes the main results generated in the ROAM application. 

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Strategies and innovations for capacity building on ecological restoration


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Rainforestation Case Study: The Cienda-San Vicente Farmers Association Experience


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Leaders in Action: Achieving Forest Landscape Restoration Through Online Learning


Between May 2016 and March 2017, the Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative and IUCN conducted six online courses titled “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics.” These courses were in response to the emerging trend of countries committed to restoring millions of hectares of land via the forest landscape restoration approach, which aims to achieve ecological, economic, and social benefits simultaneously. This paper highlights numerous success stories of individuals who participated in these courses.

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