Deforestation and Degradation

Manual de recuperação de matas ciliares para produtores rurais (Manual of riparian forests recovery for rural producers)

This technical manual targets farmers and “all those that perceive that the life of people is connected to the life of the forests, the animals, the earth and the rivers”. The guide contemplates many themes related to recovery of degraded areas,  such as: the importance of riparian forests and other types of natural vegetation, technical aspects of the development and implementation of forest restoration activities, and useful tips for the implantation and maintenance of planted riparian areas.

Open access copy available

Seeing the fruit for the trees in Borneo


Lowland dipterocarp tropical rainforests reproduce during infrequent community-wide events known as ‘general flowering.’ These unpredictable cycles, thought to be influenced by El Niño cycles, are the primary reproductive driver across this forest type. During a time of rapid deforestation across the highly diverse, but highly sensitive, dipterocarp-dominated landscape of Borneo, capitalizing on general flowering is critical for seed collection for restoration efforts and for species preservation.

Open access copy available

Trade-offs between tree cover, carbon storage and floristic biodiversity in reforesting landscapes


The multiple benefits of reforestation projects for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services are taken as a given. Yet not all forests are equal. Plantation-type reforestation projects typically undertaken for carbon sequestration are known for low species richness and inadequate provision of other ecosystem services. This study explores the relationships between an increase in tree cover area and changes in forest carbon storage and the potential of a landscape to provide habitat for native floristic biodiversity.

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Forest Landscape Restoration: Initiatives in Ethiopia



Ethiopia has experienced significant forest loss and degradation, which has raised concern over the deterioration of ecosystem services and access to forest resources. In response to these trends, WWF and IUCN have pioneered the Forest for Life strategy, which employs a range of initiatives to combat forest degradation. This report focuses on one of those initiative, Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) in Ethiopia. 

Open access copy available

Trade-offs between tree cover, carbon storage and floristic biodiversity in reforesting landscapes


The multiple benefits of reforestation projects for carbon sequestration, biodiversity, and other ecosystem services are taken as a given. Yet not all forests are equal. Plantation-type reforestation projects typically undertaken for carbon sequestration are known for low species richness and inadequate provision of other ecosystem services. This study explores the relationships between an increase in tree cover area and changes in forest carbon storage and the potential of a landscape to provide habitat for native floristic biodiversity.

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Forest Transition Pathways in Asia – Studies from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia


This study draws on data from Nepal, India, Thailand, and Cambodia to examine trajectories of forest-cover change along gradients of deforestation and reforestation.

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Tecnología para la reforestación en América Latina (Reforestation technology in Latin America)

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Appropriate Measures for Conservation of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks: Analysis of Trends of Forest Management in Southeast Asia


The ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia have seen rapid deforestation and subsequent carbon losses in the past few decades, as lands are cleared for other land uses. This study analyzes the implications of different land management scenarios on carbon stocks.

Open access copy available

Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems


This book presents a compilation of papers presented at a symposium on "Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems" that occurred in Bonn, Germany during October of 1991. The event, sponsored by Mitsubishi Corporation, addressed the reasons for tropical forest destruction, opportunities and challenges for restoration, rehabilitation and management. This book presents perspectives  of authors from different countries and contexts on forestry, ecology, and nature conservation to address the need for restoration and rehabilitation of tropical forests.

Open access copy available

Emerging Threats and Opportunities for Large-Scale Ecological Restoration in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil


This article presents a policy model known as the Atlantic Forest Restoration Pact (AFRP) and discusses the vital role the Brazilian Forest Act and other legislation has played in preventing deforestation and encouraging reforestation.

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