
Restauração e monitoramento da mata ciliar e da reserva legal para a certificação agrícola: conservação da biodiversidade na cafeitura (Restoration e monitoring of riparian forests and legal reserve for agricultural certification)

The manual targets professionals working on restoration and conservation of permanently protected areas and legal reserves. The objective is to provide information compiled from practical experiences, scientific research and literature in order to help agricultural entrepreneurs achieve the environmental compliance required to become certified by the Rainforest Alliance for agricultural activities. The authors highlight the importance of consulting local agencies responsible for environmental regulation since environmental legal requirements may vary depending on the location of businesses.

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A Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, Philippine Islands


This is a Bureau of Forestry management plan for a 20-year concession held by the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company. The document provides site description, descriptions of different forest types, stand types, and tree species, yield tables for different forest types, brief financial analysis, and description of minor forest products. (wood properties, growth habit, etc)

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Using ecosystem valuation to protect the Atlantic Rainforest: the case of the Oasis Project


The article explores the Oasis Project, which is a payment for ecosystem services program that aims to protect the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. The program was established in 1990 in response to the destruction of the forest. The Oasis Project aims to provide drinking water to approximately 17 million in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region by financially compensating landowners engaged in maintaining forest cover in their proprieties. 

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Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)

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Indigenous Community-Based Forestry in the Bolivian Lowlands: Some Basic Challenges for Certification


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Restoration of ecosystem services and biodiversity: conflicts and opportunities


Although the science and practice of ecological restoration have developed rapidly, the emerging policy focus on ecosystem services represents a significant shift in the objectives of restoration. This might result in both conflicts and opportunities. This review article explores in detail the implications of this policy shift by examining whether ecological restoration could be effective in reversing the decline of ecosystem services along with biodiversity.

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Reforestation project using native species in Maringa-Lopori-Wamba region (Democratic Republic of Congo): establishment of the Bonobo Peace Forest.CDM-AR-PDD


Bonobos are endemic to the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo and are at a high risk of extinction. Specifically, the UN has drawn attention to the speed at which infrustructure growth is infringing on bonobo habitat. Thus, it developed a program to halt these trends and conserve the bonobos. 

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A regeneração natural como um serviço do ecossistema: uma proposta metodológica para o seu cálculo (Natural regeneration as an ecosystem service: a methodological proposal for its calculation)


This study begins by stating that the economic quantification of ecosystem services is a crucial step towards their sustainable use.

research goals & methods

The study pairs the quantified value of ecosystem services with the process of ecological restoration to attempt to calculate the value of natural regeneration. Both comparative and analytical approaches are used.

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Economic Analysis of Sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) Community Forest Plantation, a Fast Growing Species in East Java, Indonesia


This article examines Paraserianthes falcataria (Sengon) mixed community forest plantations in East Java, Indonesia. The Indonesian government launched a timber / reforestation program in 1990 but only 20% of projected timber supply has come from these plantations, and total reforested area is far below targets. Before 1997, forest resources were held by concession companies, and local access rights were denied. Under reforms however, government decentralization gave local governments more authority to manage their resources, and extensive deforestation (and low levels of reforestation) has followed.

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Effect of Land Prices, Transportation Costs, and Site Productivity on Timber Investment Returns for Pine Plantations in Colombia


This study assesses the importance of  land costs, site quality, and forest location on financial returns of forestry investments. 

Goals & Methods

The factors mentioned above were analyzed using data from pine plantations in the Andean region of Colombia.  Researchers determined site quality based on annual growth rates and they calculated  comparative return on forest investment based on sales of wood, market prices, wood transport costs, and bare land costs.

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