
Strategies and innovations for capacity building on ecological restoration


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Leaders in Action: Achieving Forest Landscape Restoration Through Online Learning


Between May 2016 and March 2017, the Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative and IUCN conducted six online courses titled “Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics.” These courses were in response to the emerging trend of countries committed to restoring millions of hectares of land via the forest landscape restoration approach, which aims to achieve ecological, economic, and social benefits simultaneously. This paper highlights numerous success stories of individuals who participated in these courses.

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From Target to Implementation: Perspectives for the International Governance of Forest Landscape Restoration


This article describes the international landscape of governance structures and institutions focused on promoting restoration. It aims to understand how the activities of these institutions with overlapping objectives can align and complement each other in order to create a more effective governance approach.

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Shade-grown coffee in Puerto Rico: Opportunities to preserve biodiversity while reinvigorating a struggling agricultural commodity


Coffee has been a traditional crop in Puerto Rico since the mid-1700s. As the global market became more competitive in the 20th century, the Puerto Rican government provided subsidies and policies to protect the sector as well as promoted the transition to shade grown coffee for higher yields in the 1980s. The researchers surveyed 100 farms and 5 agronomists to determine attitudes about this transition.

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Riparian restortion for protecting water quality in tropic agricultural watersheds


In the Sarapui River watershed in southeastern Brazil, the water quality system was measured for six subwatersheds in the region.  In addition to measuring the subwatersheds, the entire watershed system was also measured and compared to a simulation model that included riparian zones throughout the river watershed.

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Mangrove rehabilitation: a review focusing on ecological and institutional issues


This article addresses the pressures and threats and the impetus for rehabilitation in mangroves around the world. It also examines rehabilitation techniques from the institutional and biophysical planning systems, including an overview of the rehabilitation process. Finally, it includes a discussion on what the authors consider a major issue for rehabilitation: failure and success in different projects and integrated approaches

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Legitimacy in REDD+ governance in Indonesia


This study looks at the perception of non-state actors of Indonesia's REDD+ program, coming from domestic and international NGOs, private sector, and academics. These actors assess the legitimacy of REDD+ programs based on input legitimacy, coming from a balanced representation of stakeholders in project discourse, and output legitimacy, proxied by positive project outcomes.

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Bridging the great divide: State, civil society, and ‘participatory’ conservation mapping in a resource extraction zone


The author evaluates the outcomes of a participatory and inclusive mapping technique in a mineral extraction zone—the Cordillera Huayhuash—in the Andes of Central Peru. Knowing that land titling is often a source of mistrust and conflict between communities and the government, this technique offers a way to build counter-narratives to the unused territory story often told by state resource management agencies in charge of granting concessions to outside interests.

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Violence, Decentralization, and Resource Access in Indonesia


This paper examines the social and political factors that dictate who has access and control over natural resources, arguing that non-deliberate decentralization of resource management can create situations that encourage conflict.

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Communal management as a strategy for restoring cloud forest landscapes in Andean Ecuador


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