
Les Forêts du Bassin du Congo: Etat des Forêts 2006 (Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2006)

The authors compiled an comprehensive report on the state of the forests in twelve forested landscapes of the Congo Basin region of Africa. They include a wide range of topics including conservation, human inhabitants of the forests, exploitation of forest resources, other threats to the forest, and priorities for restoration.


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Malawi State of Environment and Outlook Report: Environment for Sustainable Economic Growth


Although Malawi’s rich natural resources – forests, fertile soils, water resources, and fisheries – offer opportunity for sustainable development, mismanagement of these resources and poverty-related resource exploitation pose a risk for resource degradation. This periodic (2010) State of the Environment and Outlook report discusses trends, threats and opportunities in the environmental, health, demographic, industrial and agricultural sectors.

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What does it take? The role of incentives in forest plantation development in Asia and the Pacific


The Asia-Pacific region has a significant amount of diverse forest cover. While many countries have experience deforestation, the remaining forests are still valued for their ecosystem services and timber products. To protect these two benefits, severa government have promoted forest plantations as a forest management strategy. This reports  assess the impact of incentives on forest plantation development.

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Drivers of Reforestation in Human-Dominated Forests


The country of Nepal is examined as a case study for forest cover change, as it has experienced a shift towards an increase in forest cover in recent years. This study examines forests across Nepal in order to provide a framework of social factors useful for understanding this trend.

research goals & Methods

A dataset of 55 forests from the middle hills and Terai plains of Nepal was examined for factors influencing forest cover change. 

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Foresters' beliefs about farmers: a priority for social science research in social forestry


The author states that social science research is largely lacking throughout forestry, not due to its inadequacy but a failure to select relevant topics to be explore through social science research. The paper attempts to show that conducting social science research about foresters' belief is valid and necessary.

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La gestion inclusive des forêts d’Afrique centrale: passer de la participation au partage des pouvoirs (Inclusive management of Central African forests: from participation to power sharing)

The authors identify several gaps observed in forest management in the field in Central Africa. They call for increased inclusion in management to meet the needs of local communities.


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Gestion durable des ressources forestières: Rapport pour les états généraux de la forêt, de la faune et des ressources en eau (Sustainable management of forest resources: report on the state of forest, fauna, and water resources)

The authors discuss causes for ecosystem degradation in Ivory Coast. They highlight problems of governance, inappropriate management techniques, industrial exploitation of minerals and production of charcoal, ultimately offering recommendations to improve forest management.


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La pratique de la gestion durable des terres: Directives et bonnes pratiques en Afrique subsaharienne (The practice of sustainable land management: Guidance and best practices in sub-Saharan Africa)

The authors present the state of land management in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on unsustainable exploitation of soils, vegetation, and water resources. The authors end by discussing the urgent need for a new system of governance and sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa.


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Initiative pour la restauration des forêts et paysages forestiers en Afrique (Initiative for the restoration of forests and forest corridors in Africa)

The authors present an overview of the African forest landscape initiative, a cooperatoin between WRI, NEPAD, BMZ and The World Bank. The document reviews opportunities and challenges for forest land restoration projects in Africa as well as opportunities for collaboration with governments, NGOs, and intergovernmental agencies.



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Preliminary assessment of post-Haiyan mangrove damage andshort-term recovery in Eastern Samar, central Philippines


In this study, authors examined the natural ability of mangrove trees to recover after major storms and supertyphoons in the Philippines. Coastal mangroves are important for reducing the damage from these storms.

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