Land Use Practices
Green economy, oil palm development, and the exclusion of Indigenous swidden cultivators in the PhilippinesBackgroundGreen economy programs involve agro-industrial development in land frontiers for activities that are considered low-carbon or as seen as supporting greenhouse gas reduction. In the Philippines, as in many parts of South-East Asia, oil palm plantations are promoted as a form of green growth, contributing to food security and biofuels while meeting reforestation goals on lands that are often classified as idle, or waste, but may not be in practice. The paper explores the implications of oil palm development on land tenure security of smallholder swidden cultivators from indigenous communities. Open access copy available |
Beyond tenure: Rights-based approaches to peoples and forests, some lessons from the Forest Peoples ProgrammeBackgroundLand tenure reforms have been implemented in several forested landscapes to support livelihood security among forest-depended communities. However, while these reforms have led to some improvements in tenure and livelihood security, they have also increased social exclusion and marginalization in some contexts. This paper argues that tenure reforms should be implemented within a rights-based framework, but one that integrates a range of human rights and is not solely focused on property rights. Open access copy available |
Context in land matters: The effects of history on land formalizationsBackgroundLand formalization is the process by which governments grant legal rights to land, along with responsibilities and conditions of access through land titles and other official documents. This process typically establishes or re-establishes the authority of the state over the governance of land. This paper draws on examples from Africa and Asia to illustrate how land formalization has differing impacts on a diverse set of claimants, and largely increases inequity. Open access copy available |
Towards food security and improved nutrition: increasing the contribution of forests and treesBACKGROUNDThis Policy brief is a product of a knowledge and information sharing between Biodiversity International, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), and the World Bank. This was designed for policymakers on two vital areas: what they need to know; and what they need to do. It also provides different case studies on various interventions towards ensuring food security and access to improved nutrition. Open access copy available |
Have integrated landscape approaches reconciled societal and environmental issues in the tropics?BackgroundThe author cite that while there has been growing recognition of intergrated landscape approaches, which aims to enhance environmental and social outcomes, there is still a lack of understanding. There has been suggestions that these approaches have been undertherorized and a lack of evidence of its effectiveness. Open access copy available |
Módulo 2: Selección y establecimiento de estrategias y prácticas de restauraciónEspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
La restauración de bosques andinos tropicales: Avances, desafíos y perspectivas del futuroEspañolAntecedentesLa degradación ambiental y la pérdida de biodiversidad ponen en riesgo los medios de vida de habitantes de países andinos tropicales. Respondiendo a esta amenaza, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia han definido metas cuantitativas de restauración ecológica y consecuentemente formulado programas para alcanzar estas metas. No obstante, esto ha presentado retos de distintas magnitudes variando de país en país. Open access copy available |
Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem ServicesBackgroundThis publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2011 conference held in Bogor, Indonesia titled "Restoring Forests For Communities, Biodiversity, and Ecosystem Services". The aim of the conference was to provide a space in which forest restoration approaches used in Indonesia and elsewhere in Southeast Asia were shared and discussed. The report includes summaries of the opening and closing remarks along with the conference's seven presentations. Open access copy available |
Biofuels: The Impact of Oil Palm on Forests and ClimateBackgroundThis publication summarizes the proceedings of a 2009 conference held Singapore titled "Biofuels: The Impact of Oil Palm on Forests and Climate". With the emergence of palm oil industry, particularly in Asia, there has been a strong debate concerning the ability of this and other biofuels to reduce greenhouse gases but also its contribution to large-scale land conversion. This conference aimed to bring together experts from various fields to discuss potential solutions or alternatives to the industry. The report summarizes the opening remarks of the conference along with four panels, each of which were based on a specific question. Open access copy available |
Beekeeping of Stingless Bees to Strengthen Community LivelihoodsBackgroundThis publication provides a summary of a training held Central Kalimantan, Indonesia in November 2019 concerning the keeping of stingless bees to enhance local livelihoods. The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) requires companies to protect, conserve, and restore areas of high conservation value (HCV); one means of achieving this is through providing sustainable livelihoods like beekeeping. Thus this training aims at providing both plantation managers and local community members with the technical skills and knowledge to promote stingless beekeeping in order to preserve biodiversity and promote livelihoods. Open access copy available |