Native Species
Restoration of a Coastal Swamp Forest in Southeast BrazilbackgroundThis study evaluates the potential for nine native tree and shrub species for use in the revegetation of degraded swamps in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Research Goals & MethodsInvasive grasses and other vegetation, including the exotic tree Casuarina equisetifolia were removed from the site. Available with subscription or purchase |
Bwa Yo: Important Trees of HaitibackgroundThis book, published in 1996, presents important tree species in Haiti as part of a USAID effort to address environmental degradation in Haiti. The trees presented are mainly those in the agricultural landscape, providing food or fuel, although trees with cultural or ecological importance are also presented. Each tree profile provides information and photos including discussions of the species and common names, importance, taxonomy and botanical features, distribution and ecology, tree characteristics, utilization, propagation, and other findings (biomass studies, growth performance, tree improvement, seed research, and/or planting stock quality). Open access copy available |
Programa Nacional Para La Conservaction, Restauracion y Manejo Der Ecosistema De Bosque Seco En Nicaragua
Open access copy available |
Evaluation of Trees Indigenous to the Montane Forest of the Blue Mountains, Jamaica for Reforestation and AgroforestrybackgroundThis study investigates local knowledge of native species and their uses in agroforestry systems, as well as the establishment of native species in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica. Research Goals & MethodsInterviews were conducted with 27 local participants to determine the use of 80 taxa of trees and shrubs, 43 of them native taxa; the value of each species was calculated for 10 uses. Available with subscription or purchase |
Strategies for the Recovery of Degraded Ecosystems: Experiences from Latin AmericabackgroundThis paper reviews the rehabilitation potential of native species forest plantations in lowland Costa Rica, the Atlantic Forest of Bahia, Brazil, and sub-tropical Argentina. Native species can improve forest regeneration where soils are degraded and where sources of propagules are limited. While most tropical plantations are dominated by exotic species, native trees may be more appropriate because they are better adapted to the local environment, are already familiar to local farmers, and their propagules are locally available. Open access copy available |
Public Awareness Generation for the Reforestation in Amazon Tropical Lowland RegionbackgroundThis study compares two plots of native tree species, one that was planted with small numbers of species representing potential natural vegetation and another that was planted with many species, including fast-growing pioneers. Research Goals & MethodsAfter 9 years, tree height, DBH, species composition, stand volume, tree density and species diversity were measured in both plots. Open access copy available |
Optimising Seedling Management: Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata in a Mexican RainforestbackgroundThis study compares the height growth of three native tree species (Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata) during the first two years after transplantation from a nursery in three plot types (primary rainforest, secondary forest, and open pasture) in Veracruz, Mexico. Research Goals & MethodsThe effects of canopy closure, leaf nutrients, initial seedling height and seed mass on the final height of the plant after two years were analyzed. Open access copy available |
Creative Ecology: Restoration of Native Forests by Native TreesbackgroundThis article describes how the "native forests by native trees" restoration method used in Japan was applied to reforestation in Malaysia, and later in Brazil, Chile, and parts of China. Open access copy available |
New Options for Land Rehabilitation and Landscape Ecology in Southeast Asia by "Rainforestation Farming"backgroundThe authors describe a methodology for reforestation called "Rainforestation Farming" developed in the Philippines in the 1990s to restore forest cover on degraded lands covered with Imperata cylindrica grass in the Visayas region Available with subscription or purchase |
Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources: Reforestation of Degraded LandsbackgroundThis government report provides background material on tropical reforestation and discusses techniques to reforest degraded tropical lands. It considers species planting issues such as: native v. exotic species, monoculture v. polyculture, single purpose v. multipurpose trees, and genetic improvement and plant breeding. Open access copy available |