Native Species

Ecología forestal de algunas especies arbóreas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl (Forest ecology of tree species of interest for reforestation of Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl)



México cuenta con alrededor de 3,000 especies de árboles, de las cuales solo una pequeña proporción se ha utilizado para proyectos de reforestación y restauración. Para el éxito de los proyectos forestales, es fundamental tener en cuenta que las especies de árboles varían en su preferencia por las condiciones del sitio, es decir, el clima, el suelo, el acceso al agua y la sombra. Los autores recopilaron información sobre la ecología forestal de especies arbóreas nativas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl en México.

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The Restoration of Degraded Forests in Ghana: A Case Study in the Offinso Forest District


This study investigates how density and diversity of key native tree saplings differ in different plantation stand types in plantations adjacent to a degraded forest reserve in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The influence of overstory species composition on natural regeneration of single exotic (Cedrella odorata and Tectona grandis) and mixed stands (Khaya grandifoliola, Antiaris toxicaria, Ceiba pentandra, Triplochiton scleroxylon, Terminalia superb, Terminalia ivorensis and Anopyxis klaineana) of native species was assessed.

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Expediting Reforestation in Tropical Forests Grasslands: Distance and Isolation from Seed Sources in Plantations


This study investigates the potential use of tree plantations to facilitate regeneration of indigenous trees in successionally arrested grassland. It focuses on how characteristics of the plantations and native species can determine the type of regeneration occurring in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

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Formación de un corredor de hábitat de un bosque montano alto en un mosaico de páramo en el norte del Ecuador (Creating a high andean montane forest habitat corridor within a paramo mosaic in Ecuador)

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Enriquecimiento de plantaciones forestales como herramienta para la rehabilitación de ambientes degradados en la region sur Ecuatoriana (Enrichment and rehabilitation of degraded environments in southern Ecuador)



El estudio analiza el potencial de adaptación de especies nativas a las condiciones de plantaciones de Pinus patula, en una plantación cerca de la Estación Científica San Francisco en la región sur del Ecuador.

Objetivos y Metodología

El trabajo estudia dos micro-ambientes: claros y bajo dosel de plantación, instalando cuatro parcelas en cada uno de ellos, con un total de 648 individuos de nueve especies nativas.

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Status of Indigenous Tree Species Regeneration under Exotic Plantations in Belete Forest, South West Ethiopia


This study assesses the diversity and density of naturally regenerated woody species under the canopies of exotic plantations adjacent to natural forests in a moist montane forest type in Southwest Ethiopia.

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Native Forest Regeneration in Pine and Eucalypt Plantations in Northern Province, South Africa


This study assesses understory colonization by indigenous plant species in exotic tree plantations established on grasslands growing adjacent to native mixed evergreen forest in Northern Province, South Africa.

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Productividad en plantaciones puras y mixtas de especies forestales nativas en la estación biológica La Selva, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica

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Regeneration of Indigenous Trees in Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Uganda


This study examines the dominant exotic species, their distribution and effect on the regeneration of indigenous tree species in the formerly encroached area of Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, southwestern Uganda. The 4 habitat types examined were exotic woodlots, old croplands and natural forest habitat.

Research Goals & Methods

Indigenous species diversity was assessed by systematic sampling of the vegetation and soils in transect plots.

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Regeneration Pattern and Size-Class Distribution of Indigenous Woody Species in Exotic Plantation in Pugu Forest Reserve, Tanzania


This study examines the natural regeneration of indigenous tree species in an exotic tree plantation adjacent to a natural forest in a coastal forest of Tanzania.

Research Goals & Methods

Four dominant indigenous tree species were identified in the exotic plantation with diameter size classes between 10 to 35cm.

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