Restoration and Management Strategies

Factors Affecting Community Composition of Forest Regeneration in Deforested, Abandoned Land in Panama


This study tests how Saccharum spontaneum, an invasive grass, affects early forest succession and community composition in an area of previously abandoned pasture.

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Ecology of Mangrove Growth and Recovery in the Lesser Antilles: State of Knowledge and Basis for Restoration Projects


This article reviews the available information pertaining to mangrove ecology and restoration in the Lesser Antilles. On the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, mangrove species form monospecific vegetation belts parallel the shore. They follow an ecological gradient based on salinity and drainage, with the most halophylic being the Avicennia species followed by Rhizophora mangle and Conocarpus erectus, then Laguncularia racemosa with a lower salinity tolerance. In 1986 an experimental oil spill was created to study the ability of mangroves to regrow on polluted soil.

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When and Where to Actively Restore Ecosystems?


While conservation efforts around the world have focused on restoring degraded ecosystems to provide ecosystem services and benefit biodiversity, yet there has been an increasing recognition that certain ecosystems can rapidly recover without human intervention. This paper examines the question: what cases and to what extent should humans actively facilitate ecosystem recovery?

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Ecological Considerations for Using Dipterocarps for Restoration of Lowland Rainforest in Southeast Asia


In this article, the authors present ecological factors that should be considered when engaging in dipterocarp forest restoration in Southeast Asia. Because many dipterocarps are insect-pollinated, have poor seed dispersal, have low density of reproductive adults, and have recalcitrant seeds, planting of nursery-reared tree seedlings could increase the ability of dipterocarp forests to regenerate.

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Amazonian Forest Restoration: An Innovative System for Native Species Selection Based on Phenological Data and Field Performance Indices


In this article, data is presented from 14 years of evaluating native species from primary forests in Para State, Brazil for their potential use as reforestation trees on a bauxite mine.

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Selecting seed trees for a forest restoration program: A case study using Spondias axillaris


Framework tree species are indigenous forest tree species, planted to complement and accelerate natural regeneration of forest ecosystems and encourage biodiversity recovery, on degraded sites. Spondias axillaris Roxb. (Anacardiaceae) is an exceptionally effective framework tree species for restoring seasonal tropical forest ecosystems to degraded sites throughout south and southeast Asia. This study identifies criteria for selection superior parent seed trees, based on nursery performance and field establishment, using Spondias axillaris as a case study.

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Árboles de uso multiple en El Salvador: Un manual para propagación y reforestación (Multipurpose trees in El Salvador: a manual for propagation and reforestation)



El Salvador es uno de los países del hemisferio oeste con mayor deforestación . En el año  1998 este país contaba con tan solo el 2% de sus bosques originales en pie. A pesar del interés de la población en realizar actividades de reforestación, existe una gran falta de información sobre especies nativas adecuadas para este fin.

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Restoration of former grazing lands in the highlands of Laos using direct seeding of four native tree species: Seedling establishment and growth performance


Direct seeding has recently regained favor as a lower-cost alternative to planting seedlings for restoration of degraded or abandoned sites. This study reports the establishment and growth performance of 2 pioneer (Pinus kesiya and Schima wallichii) and 2 later-successional (Keteleeria everlyniana and Quercus serrata) native trees broadcasted or buried on former grazing lands in Laos.

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Reforestation of Abandoned Pastures: Seed Ecology of Native Species and Production of Indigenous Plant Material


This book chapter provides important considerations for sustainable native species reforestation efforts. The authors suggest that although using native species is more prevalent than ever before, there has been little attention to the provenance of the trees used and the genetic diversity within species.

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Can Native Tree Species Plantations in Panama Compete with Teak Plantations? An Economic Estimation


Panama has high rates of primary forest conversion, resulting in depleted timber resources. In response, the timber plantation industry is growing to meet demand, often with non-native species. This study compares the economic feasibility of using native tree species vs non-native species for plantation forestry.

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