Species Characteristics

Local and Regional Environmental Variation Influences the Growth of Tropical Trees in Selection Trials in the Republic of Panama


This study evaluates the effect of varying site conditions on the basal area of 21 neotropical and 2 exotic tree species at three different sites in Panama. 

Research Goals & Methods

Seedlings were planted in 2003 in randomized blocks and measured for basal diameter, height, live crown length, and crown diameter each year from 2004 to 2006.

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Payments for Environmental Services in Latin America as a Tool for Restoration and Rural Development


Two Payments for Environmental Services (PES) projects are assessed in this article: 1) a bundled PES system in forestry projects in Costa Rica, and 2) the Regional Integrated Silvopastoral Approaches to Ecosystem Management Project in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Colombia. The first project based PED on the provision of four different environmental services (carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, watershed protection, and aesthetic improvements and/or maintenance of the landscape) within the same plot of land. The second project implemented PES proportional to carbon sequestration and biodiversity outputs by participants.

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Rehabilitation of Tropical Rainforests Based on Indigenous Species for Degraded Areas in Sarawak, Malaysia


This study describes the success of native species planted in areas of abandoned shifting cultivation in Sarawak, Malaysia.

Research Goals & Methods

Site contitions in which species were planted included:  open conditions, including severely eroded and compacted areas and man-made mounds, and shady conditions. Growth and survival was recorded for 60-72 months, depending on the site

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Growth Increments of Indigenous Species Planted in Secondary Forest Area


Appropriate species selection for reforestation of degraded lands in the tropics makes a great difference in survival rates and success in establishing secondary forest. Indigenous species used in reforestation are not always able to survive in their native landscapes based on the degree of site degradation. This paper reports on growth increments of five tree species indigenous to Malaysia five years after planting.

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Rehabilitation of Degraded Forest with Shorea leprosula and S. selanica Cuttings


This article describes limits to dipterocarp-based reforestation due to irregular flowering pattern, short seed storage period, and uncertain planting techniques in Southeast Asia. In West Java, Indonesia, the authors test the effectiveness of vegetative propagation for two species of fast-growing dipterocarps: Shorea leprosula and Shorea selanica.

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Role of Legumes in Release of Successionally Arrested Grasslands inthe Central Hills of Sri Lanka


Many cleared and abandoned forest areas have changed to successionally arrested grasslands, shrublands, or fernlands maintained by frequent fires and high herbivore populations. Many studies have shown that herbaceous legumes can protect soil surfaces, retain soil moisture, improve soil fertility, and retard ground fires. This study evaluates whether some of these species can satisfactorily establish in these arrested grassland areas to aid in the trajectory towards reforestation. 

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Effects of Nutrient Addition, Mulching and Planting-Hole Size on Early Performance of Dryobalanops aromatica and Shorea parvifolia Planted in Secondary Forest in Sarawak, Malaysia


In this study, three methods were tested for their ability to improve growth of dipterocarp seedlings planted in west Sarawak, Malaysia.

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Forest Plantations on Imperata Grasslands in Indonesia: Establishment, Silviculture, and Utilization Potential


This dissertation presents results from multiple studies of reforestation on areas dominated by Imperata cylindrica grass in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Research Goals & Methods

The author evaluated tree species selection, intra-specific provenance selection, site preparation, fertilization, and ground vegetation under plantations.

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Impact of Plantation on Ecosystem Development in Disturbed Coal Mine Overburden Spoils


This study evaluates the growth, survival, understory composition, and soil conditions in a plantation established on a mine site in India.

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Trees Commonly Cultivated in Southeast Asia: An Illustrated Field Guide


This manual is an identification guide for the commonly-encountered trees of Southeast Asia. It provides botanical information for conifers, broad-leafed trees, bamboos, palms, and bananas.

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