
The Transformation of a Frontier: State and Regional Relationships in Panama, 1972- 1990


Following the trend of anthropologists that examine the settlement of frontier regions, this study describes the consequences of building the Bayano Hydroelectric Complex in eastern Panama. The authors stress that governments must not looked at as monolithic entities but instead should be examine as a set of social and political relationships among various stakeholders at local, national, and international scales. Along with documenting the social, political, and ecological effects that emerged from the dam, the study also describes the internal conflicts between agencies in the Panamanian government.

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The Effect of Deforestation on Water Quality: A Case Study in Cienda Micro Watershed, Leyte, Philippines


Forests and water are important resources that provide both socioeconomic and ecological benefits. They also are connected, meaning that deforestation has a negative impact on the quality of water flowing through a watershed. This paper seeks to present the detailed effects and relationship between deforestation and water quality.

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Maintenance of Hydropower Potential in Rwanda Through Ecosystem Restoration: World Resources Report Case Study


Rwanda’s rapidly expanding electricity production is highly reliant on hydropower. However, hydropower as a sole source presents risks during changing global and regional hydrological conditions.

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La pratique de la gestion durable des terres: Directives et bonnes pratiques en Afrique subsaharienne (The practice of sustainable land management: Guidance and best practices in sub-Saharan Africa)

The authors present the state of land management in sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on unsustainable exploitation of soils, vegetation, and water resources. The authors end by discussing the urgent need for a new system of governance and sustainable land management in sub-Saharan Africa.


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Using Melaleuca Fences as Soft Coastal Engineering for Mangrove Restoration in Kien Giang, Vietnam


This study examines the installation of two fence designs made from Melaleuca poles along coastal fringe mangroves to attenuate wave action and promote accretion of sediments in Southwest coastal Vietnam.

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The Role of Silvopastoral Systems in the Rehabilitation of Andean Stream Habitats


This article discusses the prevalence and impact of cattle grazing in the Andean region of Colombia. It asserts that ranching drastically alters the oxygen demand of and pH of streams, increases algae growth, and reduces light penetration. Ranching also damages stream flow and riverbanks, leading to higher erosion and run-off. Grasslands on previously forested areas have led to compaction of soil so that there is less infiltration leading to more run-off, floods due to increased speeds and volume, and less water in the streams during the dry season.

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Understanding Forest-Water Connections in India


The community in East Khasi Hills region of Indian expressed concern about water scarcity. In response, WeForest, the FAO's Forest and Water Programme, held a 5-day workshop in 2017 with the Ka Synjuk Ki Hima Arliang Wah Umiam Mawphlang Welfare Society. The workshop was designed to increase local capacity and decision-making of natural resource management in regards to the East Khasi Hills Forest Restoration Project. Fifteen to eighteen individuals attended the workshop who represented various leadership teams on the project.

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Lessons Learned and Good Practices in Natural Resource Management


The United Nations Environmental Programme and the Government of Sudan started the Adapt for Environment and Climate Resilience in Sudan project, otherwise known as ADAPT!, which seeks to engage a wide audience in order enhance environmental management, governance and climate resilience to help the people of Sudan cope with environmental stress and climate change.

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Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project - Phase I


In 2016, the Eastern Province of Rwanda was dramatically hit by a drought, which brough additional burdens to already existing systematic challenges that farmers in the region faced. More thatn 45,000 individuals became food insecure in the region, forcing the government to provide food and water. To mitigate future water-related calamities, the government proposes the Kayonza Irrigation and Integrated Watershed Management Project (KIIWMP). 

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Microbiological Indicators of Soil Quality and Degradation Following Conversion of Native Forests to Continuous Croplands


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