
Climate change mitigation through afforestation/reforestation: A global analysis of hydrologic impacts with four case studies


While much attention is being given internationally to the opportunities for carbon sequestration to mitigate climate change, little attention is being paid to the environmental tradeoffs that are associated with these types of schemes. This study examines the implicit hydrologic dimensions of international efforts to mitigate climate change, specifically potential impacts of the Clean Development Mechanism-Afforestation/Reforestation (CDM-AR) provisions of the Kyoto Protocol (KP) on global, regional and local water cycles.

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Manejo tradicional de humedales tropicales y su análisis mediante sistemas de información geográfica: el caso de la comunidad Maya-Chontal de Quintín Arauz, Centla, Tabasco

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Reasons for reforestation success and failure with three mangrove species in Colombia


This study examines the mortality and growth rates of the propagules, seedlings and saplings of three native mangrove species (A. germinans, L. racemosa, and R. mangle) in order to determine the ecological factors that influence tree growth and survival in deforested mangroves with restored hydrologic conditions on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.

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Nagarote Reforestation and Community Development Project - SosteNica


SosteNica and CEPRODEL work together to provide microcredit and technical assistance to help communities in Nicaragua improve the environmental on their land while also improving the economic opportunities for those communities.

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The Agua Salud Project, Central Panama


The Agua Salud Project is located in the watershed that includes and surrounds the Panama Canal, an engineering feat that largely relies on natural hydrological systems. Much of this watershed has been deforested, thus an official policy has been put into place to reforest and regain ecosystem services. This project seeks to utilize the globalize role of the canal to bring attention to the ecosystem services of the region. 

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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Forestry Project for the Basin of the Chinchiná River, an Environmental and Productive Alternative for the City and the Region


Over the last century, Andean watershed within Colombia has faced threats of uncontrolled deforestation, which have been driven by a rapid expansion of agriculture and cattle grazing. It is imperative that these trends be halted and reversed, thus the FAO proposes the reforestation of watersheds, which will improve the regulation of hydaulic flows to populations living in and downstream from river basins. This project planning document describes one of these programs, PROCUENCA-FAO, which began in 2001 and focuses on the Chinchiná River watershed. 

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Central Kalimantan Peatlands Restoration Project


In Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, the peatswamps have been increasingly destryoyed by drainage, illegal logging and fire, which has impactd local livelihoods, the economy, and wildlife habits, along with contributed to greenhouse gas emissions. The Central Kalimantan Peatlands Project (CKPP) was started to respond to this problem. 

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Species-Specific Tree Water Use Characteristics in Reforestation Stands in the Philippines


The need for reforestation is becoming increasingly evident in countries like the Philippines where deforestation has lead to a scarcity of wood and other forest commodities. One concern with reforestation is the reduction in streamflow and groundwater recharge as trees move water from the ground into the atmosphere.

Research Goals & Methods

This study seeks to investigate the sap flux responses and tree water use in two 12-year-old multi-species stands.

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