Contributions of agroforestry to ecosystem services in the miombo eco-region of eastern and southern AfricaBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
A tree-based approach to biomass estimation from remote sensing data in a tropical agricultural landscapeIntroductionDue to increasing agricultural landcover throughout the world, it is critical to develop methods that estimate above ground biomass and carbon in order to accurately monitor terrestrial carbon stocks and predicting carbo dynamics. This paper claims that while active remote sensing data may be a means to achieve these estimates, the plot-based methods may not be suitable for these agricultural areas. Thus, the authors seek an alternative. Available with subscription or purchase |
Revisiting IPCC Tier 1 coefficients for soil organic and biomass carbon storage in agroforestry systemsIntroductionWhile agroforestry systems cover a signifcant amount of land worldwide and have the capacity to sequester large amounts of carbon, they are often not considered in climate change mitigation. Most importantly, the IPCCC does not recognize them in carbon accounting primarily because there is so much diversity in the systems. Open access copy available |
Coffee Farming and Climate Change in Ethiopia: Impacts, Forecasts, Resilience and OpportunitiesIntroductionThis document is the outcome of a two-year project by the Strategic Climate Institutions Programme (SCIP). The project aimed to established strategies for a climate-resilient coffee economy in Ethiopia in which the effects of various climate change factors on coffee production and wild coffee forests were acccessed. Open access copy available |
Nursery management, tree propagation and marketing: A training manual for smallholder farmers and nursery operatorsIntroductionPublished by ICRAF, this manual is intended to provide training support aimed at farmers and nursery operators to promote the propogation and establishment of small-scale nurseries. Goals & MethodsTo achieve the aim of encouraging superior techniques and materials for superior planting, the document offers five modules. Each module covers a different step in the nursery establishment process, from sourcing and selecting seeds to establishing a nursery business. Open access copy available |
Traditional agroforestry practices in ZimbabweBACKGROUNDThere has been little attention being given to the significance of trees in household economies of Zimbabwe. Most focus has been on crops, livestock, softwood species of trees in commercial plantations and indigenous species that under state management. Extension officers used to encourage people to remove trees from arable land. However, after the country’s independence a Rural Afforestation Program was established resulting in agroforestry engagements. Available with subscription or purchase |
Módulo 2: Selección y establecimiento de estrategias y prácticas de restauraciónEspañolAntecedentesOpen access copy available |
Leaders in Action: Success Stories from the TropicsBackgroundThe Environmental Leadership and Training Initiative (ELTI) seeks to seeks to train and support people to restore and conserve tropical forest landscapes. Since 2006, the organizations has engaged with thousands of people both through their in-person and online training platforms and through follow-up support and mentorship. This paper highlights select inspirational stories from ELTI alum. These stories come from the Neotropics, including Panama, Colombia, and Brazil, and Asia, including Indonesia, Singapore, and the Phillipines. Open access copy available |
Strengthening the national restoration strategyBackgroundIn response to the launch of the Bonn Challenge, El Salvador committed to restoring one million hectares. The country's Ministry of Natural Resources and IUCN applied Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology (ROAM) to El Salvador in order to determine and analyze restoration options based on biophysical, social and economic criteria. The paper summarizes the main results generated in the ROAM application. Open access copy available |
Strategies and innovations for capacity building on ecological restorationBackgroundOpen access copy available |