
Crise de l’économie de plantation et modification du paysage agraire dans l’ancienne boucle du cacao: l’exemple de Daoukro (Economic Crisis of Plantation and Landscape Modification in the Former Cocoa Belt: The Example of Daoukro)


This article explores the history of agrarian transition in the Ivory Coast's former cacao belt. 

Conclusions & Takeaways

The shift away from cacao production to commodities like rubber, rice, cashews and oil palm results in changes in labor conditions and social relations. 


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Les parcs agroforestiers en Basse Casamance: Contribution du Parkia biglobosa (néré) à la réduction des risques de pauvreté des ménages de la communauté rurale de Mangagoulack, au Sénégal (Agroforestry parks in Basse Casamance)

The author describes how agroforestry parks have played a role in alleviating poverty in a rural community in Senegal. In particular, the author discusses the native African locust bean, or néré, as a successful agroforestry species.


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Investir dans la forêt de demain : vers un Programme d'action pour la revitalisation de la foresterie en afrique de l'Ouest (Investing in the forests of tomorrow)

The authors provide an analysis of Sahelian forests and place the state of forests in West Africa into a historical context. They provide case studies of agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration (ANR) in forested areas of Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Niger, Senegal, Gambia, and Guinea. Finally, the authors provide recommendations for smart investments in West African forests.


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Parcs agroforestiers sahéliens: de la conservation à l’aménagement (Agroforestry parks of the Sahel: from conservation to management)

The authors describe the history of farmer managed wooded parklands in northern Cameroon. They note that a counter-productive ban on cutting from 1950-1990 provided a disinsentive for farmers to care for and plant young trees. Finally, the authors argue for implementation of farmer managed agroforestry parklands where parkland governance is mean to fall on local villages as opposed to local forestry department officers. In doing so, the authors provide suggestions for best practices in managing these wooded parklands for agroforestry.


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Régénération naturelle assistée: Gestion des arbres champêtres au Sahel (Assisted natural regeneration: management of wild trees in the Sahel)

The authors outline threats to forest regeneration in the Sahel, particularly with regard to agroforestry systems. Better agroforestry practices that incorporate assisted natural regeneration would allow for more sustainable availability of firewood and productivity of agroforestry systems. The authors strongly advocate for major changes in behavior and politics, including decentralization of authority over forest resources.


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Lacandon Maya Ecosystem Management: Sustainable Design for Subsistence and Environmental Restoration


This study examines swidden agroforestry used by the Lacandon Maya, an indigenous group living in Chiapas, Mexico, linking soil ecology to previous studies on plant communities. 

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Coffee Agroforests Remain Beneficial for Neotropical Bird Community Conservation across Seasons


This study compares bird community composition in coffee agroforestry systems with secondary forest fragments, while accounting for seasonal bird migration and differences in bird detectability between habitats. It was conducted in the San Luis Valley of northwest Costa Rica, a montane forest region that encompasses many microhabitats.

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The Role of Trees in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture in the Tropics


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Live Fences and Landscape Connectivity in a Neotropical Agricultural Landscape


This article describes the role and importance of live fences in the tropical regions of Central America. The study site covered an area of 4483ha and is located in a wet tropical forest zone in the Province of Heredia, Costa Rica. The landscape is dominated by cattle pasture and possesses a small, fragmented and homogenous structure with small patches of forests.

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Designing Pest-Suppressive Multistrata Perennial Crop Systems: Shade-Grown Coffee in Central America


This paper analyzes opportunities to realize the benefits of the presence microflora and fauna in coffee plantations by considering species selection, complimentary characteristics, density, and spatial arrangement of tree species . This study addresses reducing the presence of pests and pathogens such as  leaf rust, coffee leaf minor, berry borer, and the American leaf spot. The authors hypothesize that for every soil and climate for coffee, a multistrata system creates a micro-environment that can create a complex ecosystem to resist pests as a whole as opposed to a pest-by-pest strategy.

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