Carbon Stocks and Sequestration

Managing afforestation and reforestation for carbon sequestration: considerations for land managers and policy makers


This chapter focuses on managing afforestation & reforestation projects with an eye towards carbon sequestration. While temperate regions contain the majority of the world’s naturally regenerated and planted forests, the most rapid rates of reforestation occur in the tropics.

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Appropriate Measures for Conservation of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks: Analysis of Trends of Forest Management in Southeast Asia


The ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia have seen rapid deforestation and subsequent carbon losses in the past few decades, as lands are cleared for other land uses. This study analyzes the implications of different land management scenarios on carbon stocks.

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Amazon Reforestation Project


This resource presents the mission of the Amazon Reforestation Project (ARP) which aims to conserve tropical rainforest and conduct forest restoration on deforested lands in the Brazilian Amazon. Located on over 1 million hectares of land in the state of Amazonas, this project aims to serve as an example for large scale conservation and restoration in this region, where increasing development and globalization of Manaus is leading to increased opportunities and incentives for deforestation.

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Carbon sequestration in tropical agroforestry systems


Agricultural lands are considered to be a major potential carbon sink, especially if trees are re-integrated with crops and/or animal agriculture. However, agroforestry systems are very diverse and are frequently used in small-scale settings, presenting challenges to carbon sequestration estimates.

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Ulu Masen REDD+ initiative, Aceh, Indonesia


The area of the Ulu Masen Conservation Area has been degraded due to an illegal logging boom after the tsunami as well as increasing agricultural expansion. The Ulu Masen REDD+ initiative was developed by the Government of Aceh (GoA) to address these issues.

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Forest Carbon Project in the Quirino Provience, Philippines


Over a 7 year span from 2003 to 2010, Conservation International Phillipines and ICRAF have conducted studies and developed initiatives to address carbon sequestration in the Sierra Madre Biodiversity Corridor region, which is a 1.4 million hectare forested region that is critical for biodiversity, hydrology, and other ecosystem services.  

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ArBolivia Reforestation Project


ArBolivia is a social enterprise solution to deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon, which is driven by poverty and poor land management in the form of slash and burn subsistence farming.  The mission of the ArBolivia Reforestation project was to reforest 6000 ha of farmland to restore forest, sequester carbon, and provide a new source of income for rural people. The project began in 2007 through a partnership with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reforestation pilot, the Dutch investment company Sicirec, and a Bolivian sustainable agroforestry NGO called CETEFOR.

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Genesis Forest Project


This is a project design document that describes the plan for a reforestation project in Brazilian Cerrado in the state of Tocantins, Brazil.

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Cooperative Afforestation in Sirsa, Haryana


This CDM project targets an area affected by aeolian (wind blown) sand, and with degraded croplands spread across eight villages. The area comprises 369.87 ha belonging to 227 farmers; which is generally left to fallow. Large areas of land are without any vegetation due to frequent dust storms of various intensities. The dust storms toss up large amount of sand, dust and suspended particles into the air and pollute the ambient atmosphere. 

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Carbon Sequestration and Plant Community Dynamics Following Reforestation of Tropical Pasture


Conversion of abandoned cattle pasture to secondary forest in the tropics is a potential means to increase carbon sequestration as well as to enhance local biodiversity. This study uses data from a long-term tropical reforestation project – Luquillo Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico – to estimate rates of above- and belowground carbon sequestration.

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