
Suitability of the Taungya System at North Kilimanjaro Forest Plantation, Tanzania


This study analyses a taungya system in a north Kilimanjaro plantation forest in Tanzania. This study assesses the costs and revenues resulting from this system and the impacts to agriculture.

Research Goals & Methods

Field research was conducted to assess survival, food crop yield, financial feasability.

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SPVS Reforestation in the Coastal Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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Maya Nut Reforestation


Maya Nut is an NGO that seeks to find balance between people, forests, and food. While they do not run a reforestation program directly, they do work closely with communities to reforest degraded lands throughout Latin America. The mission of the program is to conserve the Maya nut tree, Brosimum alicastrum, by planting trees and teaching rural and indigenous women to harvest and process the seed for food and income.

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What Does it Take? The Role of Incentives in Forest Plantation Development in Asia and the Pacific


This document is a compilation of case studies from different countries on the incentives and their impact on plantation development in South and Southeast Asia. The countries addressed are Australia, China, India, Indonesia, New Zealand, The Philippines, Sabah (Malaysia), Thailand, and the United States.

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Conceptual Framework for Mangrove Restoration in the Yucatán Peninsula


In the Yucatán Peninsula, mangroves were lost at a rate of around 1.84% per year between 1976 and 2000. In 2000, the North American Wetlands Conservation Council gave the state government of Yucatán $800,000 towards mangrove restoration projects. Some research shows that the projects funded by this grant did not fully meet restoration goals.

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Forestry Project for the Basin of the Chinchiná River, an Environmental and Productive Alternative for the City and the Region


Over the last century, Andean watershed within Colombia has faced threats of uncontrolled deforestation, which have been driven by a rapid expansion of agriculture and cattle grazing. It is imperative that these trends be halted and reversed, thus the FAO proposes the reforestation of watersheds, which will improve the regulation of hydaulic flows to populations living in and downstream from river basins. This project planning document describes one of these programs, PROCUENCA-FAO, which began in 2001 and focuses on the Chinchiná River watershed. 

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Imperata Grassland Rehabilitation using Agroforestry and Assisted Natural Regeneration


This manual provides concepts and techniques for using assisted natural regeneration to establish forest and agroforestry systems in areas dominated by the invasive grass Imperata cylindrica.

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ArBolivia Reforestation Project


ArBolivia is a social enterprise solution to deforestation in the Bolivian Amazon, which is driven by poverty and poor land management in the form of slash and burn subsistence farming.  The mission of the ArBolivia Reforestation project was to reforest 6000 ha of farmland to restore forest, sequester carbon, and provide a new source of income for rural people. The project began in 2007 through a partnership with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) reforestation pilot, the Dutch investment company Sicirec, and a Bolivian sustainable agroforestry NGO called CETEFOR.

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Genesis Forest Project


This is a project design document that describes the plan for a reforestation project in Brazilian Cerrado in the state of Tocantins, Brazil.

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Himachal Pradesh Reforestation Project


After a series of consultations with a variety of stakeholders, the MidHimalayan Watershed Development Project was established in order to reforest critical areas in the Siwalik hills. 

Open access copy available
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